The clerk...

I'm confused about the part where Laura calls that college that the clerk told her about to get a hold of the girl that supposedly lived in her house before her and the person says that the girl never existed there? What was even the point of that clerk talking about past information?


Are you asking why the clerk was talking about Jenny? If so, she and Jenny used to be friends or co-workers...when Laura asked if she could write out a check to pay for groceries, the clerk noticed her address on the check and commented that she used to live in Jenny's old house. When weird things start happening, Laura decides to contact Jenny and ask her about it--that's why she calls the college. It's clear to me that Jenny did exist--after seeing the movie the second time, I gather that Jenny died and for some reason, her family produced a cover story about her going away to school--that's why the clerk tells Laura's also my perception that the clerk didn't really believe that Jenny really was away at school.


I also believe that Jenny existed and did not really go off to college but died. And the parents covered it up. Maybe she got pregnant and also went insane. I dont know why that part of the story was dropped. Maybe they were planning on a sequel? Also, another red flag was when the realtor claimed the sellers were willing to sell the house for less.

"All wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. And she won't give it to me!"


By the look on the clerk´s face when she first was talking about her friend Jenny, it seemed to me that Jenny had died and she did not want to relay this information on to a pregnant woman. She made up the story about her being at college.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
