Chess test?

Remind me what the chess test was again.


You wrote two different things. Is it "chess" or is it "chest"??


Caleb allowed his thinking to be clouded by Ava's boobs. He clearly failed the chest test.


Well in this situation, it was referring to being able to test Ava to tell if she was truly an AI or not.

Nathan could have feasibly made a computer that does nothing more than walk around and respond in conversations with a set of very specific outputs for a range of expected inputs.
If Caleb says hi, Ava should say hi back.
If Caleb asks for her name, Ava should respond with "Ava".
If Caleb laughs lightly, Ava should do the same.
If Caleb winks, Ava should smile and wink back.

It would take a lot of effort, but Nathan could feasibly build a database that covers all the possibilities that he would expect Caleb to present to Ava. It might seem like intelligence, but it wouldnt be, because it would just be Ava receiving an input and choosing the correct output from a programmed list.

If Caleb didnt stray from the expected inputs and was not aware of that programming, he might mistake the very linear computer for an actual AI. The Chess Test is finding ways to test her and determine if Ava is working to set inputs or actually thinking about things and making decisions.
