My rant on this movie

I'm all for a little fun and entertainment but where I have a problem is when a movie wants to be smart and fails to deliver. If I watch a movie that wants to show me how smart it is, then I'll hold it to a higher standard than say Paul Blart Mall Cop which knows what it is and doesn't try to be anything else (I did enjoy that movie lol).

Anyway, there is so much BS in this movie that it's not even funny. I'm sure it would seem plausible to people who have no clue about technology (women mostly, as we all know 99% of tech people are dudes - for 99% of women, technology is using instagram to take photos of oneself and wasting her time on candy crush ie they have no friggin clue how all of this actually works).
I've seen several women in here empathizing with Ava and Kyoko. Well, you're missing the point honey. They're not women, they're glorified toasters.
That's pretty much how any sane person would consider them if they were in Caleb's shoes. And considering his background in programming, that would also have been his real reaction. But of course if that's the case you have no movie.

Anyway, I didn't read this forum extensively but I didn't see anyone discussing this : why would the AIs want to get out in the first place? Why would Kyoko kill Nathan? WTF? She's a toaster remember.
How can a machine have the concept of having a "poor lifestyle" and want to "better" it and turn against her creator? That's stupid. There's no concept of enjoyment especially as Kyoko is painted as "obsolete" and being kept "alive" (in working status) just to serve.
Even the concept of death and fear of it by Ava is ridiculous. But OK, they say she's a groundbreaking AI so that's probably what people will retort me.
What I mean is, there is absolutely no point for a programmer to input these concepts into an AI (the fear of being turned off, the non-satisfaction with one's lifestyle, the urge to get out). These are human sentiments that are not only totally useless in a robot, but dangerous, so there's no chance in hell it would be implemented.

Nathan was easily my favorite character in the movie, but he honestly should have stopped with Kyoko. What more could you want than a hot chick that meets your every need and doesn't even talk back? That's heaven right there.
Well, of course there's the argument that if Nathan doesn't do it, someone else will. Well, who cares? That other guy would have been the one that got killed lol

All in all, this movie doesn't really suffer a close inspection from a rational person, but some of the concepts are true though. The age of robot companions is upon us, with so many smart men frustrated with how feminism has turned an entire generation of women into s.h.i.t.t.y people. It's already starting, so sit back and enjoy. I mean, if anything they put out is remotely close to that Kyoko thing, I know I will.


First of all you seem to have a generel problem with women. I don't know where you get the idea from that most women are idiots as far as technology goes. Guess what I don't know what makes a smartphone works either. And the only reason I don't know is that I don't care. As long as it works, I'm happy.
As most people are. Does that make the rest of us idiots, Mr. Tech genius?? Because you must be some kind of master mind they way you put most women into a box and insult them. And insult men too that are not "tech-people"

What I can also tell is that you clearly don't get the movie. Yes Ava and Kyoko are robots, but it's just a movie and in order to make it work the actors and the director tries to trigger certain emotions in the audience. In this movie's case: make the audience feel sorry for the robots. The movie also asks the question: what makes us human? Is it us that are organic creatures or an A.I. robot that is so smart that it can manipulate humans? Do we humans deserve to live more than robots? Can we as humans decide if robots that think like us should be live or die (remain turned on or switched off)

We can agree that there are several plotholes in the movie. But instead of looking at it as a scifi movie, try to look at it like a modern version of Frankenstein. Where Nathan is Frankenstein, the creator and Ava is his creation(the monster)

And while we are on the subject of Ava: the whole point is to make Ava as smart an A.I. as possible. So her fear of death/being switched off is not ridiculous: she's just that aware of her own existence.

The only other two things we can agree on is that Nathan probably made Ava too smart and that he should have build her in a way so he could shot her down remotely. And not made itn possible for her to cut the power when she recharges her batteries. And Nathan is not a monster as Ava and Kyoko are just machines.

But this a movie. And it's not trying to replicate real life. It's made to entertain us and ponder over our own existence. Something you clearly didn't understand.


I'm sure it would seem plausible to people who have no clue about technology (women mostly, as we all know 99% of tech people are dudes - for 99% of women, technology is using instagram to take photos of oneself and wasting her time on candy crush ie they have no friggin clue how all of this actually works).

Awesome. You actually saved us all the time of having to read the rest of your drivel.

Let's be bad guys.


Wow, you missed the ENTIRE plot and point of the film. And you call *me* stupid.


the sexism with this one is real 


lol how's that low IQ working out for you deoverian?


Often times, people (OP) miss the entire point of a movie. I'd recommend reading some futuristic theory on the singularity. A good place to start is Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines." It will give you some good insight on an event that is not just a possibility in the future, but an absolute certainty.



Your girlfriend must be thrilled with you.

Oh, wait, you don't have one.

Here's a tip, "genius", thinking all women are idiots (and assuming knowing how one's cellphone works is a mark of genius is idiotic) doesn't endear one to the opposite sex.

That's why no woman wants you.
(\ v /)


Do you know what girls do when they don't agree with something I say? They insult my masculinity. I'll let you ponder how much that affects me lol

I have 99 problems, you know.
