MovieChat Forums > Ex Machina (2015) Discussion > A.I a scientific impossibility,...

A.I a scientific impossibility, when will people realize that?

So many Hollywood movies, from Short Circuit to Terminator to I Robot to this...

As fun as they are to watch - they're totally based on a rather small mindedness in human beings. The fact that a machine.....can come alive. Or become self aware or whatever.

Don't you think?


and if man was meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings.


Thats kinda the whole purpose of science fiction movies. That is why it is called science FICTION.


A.I a scientific impossibility

How can you be certain of this fact? People throughout history have said the same thing about flight, space travel etc.


Where is this scientific proof of impossibility you speak of? Please provide a citation.

Some things have been proven impossible, such as the writing a program to solve the Halting Problem (proven by Alan Turing), or exceeding the limits of Claude Shannon's Mathematical Theory of Communication.

I'm aware of no such proof for general AI. To the contrary, there are proofs that such a thing may be possible when technology is capable of implementing the theories. See the work of Marcus Hutter on Universal Artificial Intelligence and AIXI for example (

TL;DR: The film is a work of science fiction. Some leap of imagination is required to fully enjoy the movie, even if you know it is not real. Not all films appeal to all people.


Most of the smart people who have studied this closely think that Strong AI is a pipe dream. We're nowhere close to having the slightest clue about how to do something like that. Won't happen for at least 100 years and probably not ever.


Please tell us about the smart people you're talking about.
Actually, don't. The implication that (strong) AI will never be created is ridiculous and I honestly don't see how one would get to that conclusion. What do you think will prevent us from creating strong AI? Hardware? Software? Our failure to grasp the complexity of the human brain and how to recreate it? Personally, I'd say that even 100 years sounds like too much but then again, I'm just making a guess based on what I know.

*beep* hell, I got into an Internet argument. Kill me.


1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Clarke's 3 laws.

For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert.

Proposed fourth law.


Haha love it 


It depends on what you mean by AI. If you mean AI in the sense of "self-aware" or "conscious", then I agree, that presents a host of technical and philosophical issues. If you mean AI that is capable of outperforming humans at many tasks and teaching itself new functions, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), then I would say no, it is not an impossibility and is even likely.

Narrow AI can already vastly outperform us in many specific tasks, we just don't think of it as AI. It is only a matter of time before an AI superior to human intelligence in a strictly intellectual sense makes its appearance. When that will happen is a matter of debate, but recent stunning breakthroughs in AI have brought it a lot closer to reality than was believed by many in the field even a decade ago.



Why is AI impossible? What is so unique about the human brain that prevents it from ever being replicated?


We're only just now exposing some advanced qualities of Plant-based intelligence. Yes, we've proven Plants are intelligent. And communicate often with other_Plants and insects!

Bad title, btw.

Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.


We dont even know what causes our own consciousness so you jumping to conclusions like that is silly. We may not create true consciousness that is impossible but we can imitate it 100%. No difference at that point.
