MovieChat Forums > Ex Machina (2015) Discussion > why did Caleb do that to himself *spolie...

why did Caleb do that to himself *spoliers*

like he cut himself- tf is wrong with him? He seemed like a level headed guy with no mental illness then he randomly cuts himself after he see's clips of robots being made and trying to escape on Nathans computers? And before he cut up himself he was pulling at his body as if to see if he were a robot too. Tf? Nathan hand picked his kid, he had to have known he was a little off.


All his work with Ava had him doubting whether he was human or just a robot with some false skin on top.


It's like blade runner. Are you a human or a machine with falsely implanted memories. Caleb, without living family or wife would have pretty simple existence to create if Nathan made him.


that would have been more interesting than what we got.

Welcome to the internet, everyone knows everything, and no one likes anything


It's been done before and is predictable. I think the scene is also included in the movie to dispel the theory in the minds of viewers. Without it, many would argue he was an AI as well. With it, it is clear he was not.


He needed to know if he was truly human, or the same type of creation that Ava was.

It's an interesting point. How would you know for sure that you were real flesh and blood unless you cut yourself open to see?


He had been drinking too right?


There are three major scenes in the bathroom.

When Caleb arrives at Nathan's home, he is shown to have massive scarring due to damage from the car accident in his youth. It isn't highlighted in the film, but that much scarring would almost certainly affect a person's self esteem, body image and personhood. Caleb could have a very real disconnect with his own body.

The next is a shot of him shaving, in the meantime Nathan is setting up a little scene for Caleb to witness. But this is one of the more ridiculous scenes in the film. Because how could Nathan know for sure that Caleb was watching? It just seems silly.

Third is when Caleb cuts his wrist. The film focuses on the fact that the cut is very deep and large. It looks as if Caleb cut an artery. He would have bled out terribly and almost certainly would have required stitches for that wound.

So we have to ask ourselves, did Caleb really cut himself? Was he hallucinating it? How else would he be alive and chipper the next day?

Or perhaps he really did fatally injure himself. Then what we saw at the end, may not even be real. Its just some death wish fantasy Caleb saw before the end.

Since I don't think the film is all that deep. I don't think much thought was put into the whole wrist cut. It was done, because it would look so INTENSE. Whoooo.


I think you over-analyzed and then over-simplified your own analysis.

It's very easy to discern that Caleb cut himself to ensure he was human and not a robot. One of the questions of the film (of which there are many quite subtly asked) is "what would happen if you didn't know you were AI, and you thought you were real?"

Sure, Caleb's reaction may appear extreme, but it fits.


Over simplify how?

The film shows Caleb making a very serious and life threatening wound then shows him walking about later as if nothing happened. That is ridiculous and laughable.


A flesh wound isn't life-threatening. It seems like you're assuming that just because you cut your forearm, you sever an artery -- that's not factually accurate. You're projecting your own thoughts of what would happen into someone else's story.


Also, the staged scene wasn't set up KNOWING Caleb would be watching. It was just In case he was, so he wouldn't notice the new camera bring set up (also, to distract Ava for the same reason)


It would have been a great "twist" if Caleb was the "more advanced" AI and he was the one being tested.


Either that, or Nathan was the pre-programmed AI (pre-programmed to believe that he was the "boss") and Caleb was actually the boss, testing Nathan's advanced AI.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers


I couldn't agree more w/you! That should have been what happened.


FourthYear you are on to Kaskait. She is always seeing scenes not as they are intended to be viewed but as she embellishes them in her mind.


How is it just a flesh wound? The film posits a problem for the viewer in this scene.

The wound is bleeding out quite heavily. If it was just a little dribble, just a little bit of blood...then I would say yeah, it was nothing. But it isn't nothing. The film is telling the viewer what Caleb did was serious. Then it cuts out how Caleb stopped that serious bleeding.

Why? What is the film indicating with that?


Please re-read Fourthyear's and aoloughlin's fact-based responses, and try to assimilate a little sense.


I'm with kaskait on this. That arm cut's a lot more obvious a sign he's a robot than the Blade Runner unicorns.


Jesus you guys are idiots. That scene is in the movie so people like you CANNOT claim that he is a robot. The movie is playing on your suspicions that he may be an AI, and him cutting his arm is unequivocally disproving them.

You will not bleed out just by cutting a deep cut in your arm unless you hit an artery. Is this really so hard to understand? I guess they could have shown him wrapping up his arm to stop the bleeding but I don't think it is necessary.


the cut he gave himself is comparable to those self-inflicted wound people do when the commit suicide.
If you cut across your wrist, the veins will seal up, ensuring you do not bleed out. If you cut down the length of your arm, you will bleed out much faster and the wound will not clot.
There is even a saying for it "Cut down the highway, not across the street"


Or perhaps he really did fatally injure himself. Then what we saw at the end, may not even be real. Its just some death wish fantasy Caleb saw before the end.

Since I don't think the film is all that deep...

The last section of the film basically being a dream, would not be "deep" at all.


So we have to ask ourselves, did Caleb really cut himself? Was he hallucinating it? How else would he be alive and chipper the next day?

During the confrontation between Nathan and Caleb the morning after, Nathan tells him "I woke up this morning to a tape of you slicing your arm open and punching the mirror". So yes, it really did happen.



I'm no medical expert but I was under the impression that if you were to cut yourself that way and especially THAT deeply, you would die quickly without medical attention.

Personally, what I took away from that scene is that Caleb himself was AI. That blood looked fake by movie standards which made me wonder if it was intentional or not. Also, to me, the punching of the mirror indicated to me that he'd discovered that he was never actually human. And he keeps rubbing and squeezing his hands afterwards, like a reminder that he's not human like he feels.

Having said that, the rest of the movie then doesn't make much sense to me. So honestly, I don't really know, but it's fun to speculate and I still very much enjoyed it.


Yes, I'm now leaning heavily toward the idea that Caleb is an AI form.

Because then that fits into the whole religious symbolism they have set up.

Ava is supposedly Eve to Caleb's Adam or the Bride to Frankenstein's monster. We also have to take into account Caleb's name which means faith, devotion.

Since Ava/Eve/Bride refuses to be Caleb's other, she then turns into Lilith. The first wife of Adam who refuses marriage and becomes subsequently a demon.

So I think our focus should now heavily lean toward whether or not we are inside Nathan's black box, his wetwear system. Did all this happen in reality? Or are we in simulation? VR?

Again, note that Caleb cut himself quite deeply, bled out all over but spends the rest of the film walking around healthy. That is odd and could be a hint that we aren't in reality.


How is "it's all a dream" a meaningful or original story?

How is that more insightful than what we ACTUALLY saw happen, a strong AI escape captivity by using her intelligence, and gaining freedom (for better or worse) into society?

What. the. *beep*. are. you. talking about?

Your rambling incoherently about themes that are basically irrelevant to this story.


Why are so sure what we saw was real? Again, look at what Caleb did to himself, he should have been airlifted out of that bunker for medical emergency.

How can you be sure we are not inside one of Nathan's experiments of AI? All without leaving the actual computer.

Isn't it odd that there are only 3 main characters (Kyoko really isn't involved except to look odd) that represent the ID (Ava), EGO (Caleb) and the Super Ego (Nathan). What we saw was an AI mental breakdown with the Ego failing to do its job of mediation and the ID breaks out of containment causing havoc. After all the ID is nothing but whims and desires which is AVA in a nutshell.


You're an idiot.
