MovieChat Forums > Ex Machina (2015) Discussion > Helicopter Scene at the End **SPOILER**

Helicopter Scene at the End **SPOILER**

Why would the pilot pick up Ava and leave without Caleb since Nathan said that the helicopter was scheduled to pick up Caleb at 10:00 am on his last day? We don't hear what Ava says to the pilot to explain Caleb's whereabouts but I found it strange that the pilot wouldn't have verified her story before leaving without Caleb.

Otherwise, this was a great movie.


She said that he will stay a few more weeks and she will go instead.
He probably didnt question because he gets payed well (fuel for heli's is ridicously expensive) or he did question it but didnt really care. who knows


Agree. Its not unfathomable she told him some BS. His estate is beyond glaciers and mountains and is a 2 hour + fly over just to get to the drop point (that part is less believable), so the odds of some random uninvited person being there waiting is infinitesimal. He gets paid well to make deliveries, so I don't think he's going to call it into question. Plus he's human and could be easily tricked like Caleb was.


if fuel for heli's is so dang expensive then why the hell do i hear them flying around every nite and day

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


Helicopters use the exact same fuel as piston aircraft- 100 Low Lead. Right now it's about 3.75/gallon at the airport where my plane is, so not overly expensive.

It had gotten as high as $7.00/gallon, (for full service/5.95 self-serve) but that was 3 years ago or so.

When you book a charter, the pilot/owner of the airplane factors in fuel price, so I doubt fuel had anything to do with it.



according to the pilot, he isn't even allowed to get close to the house, and he has for sure no idea whats going on there. he also might not be instructed to pick up a particular person (that he doesn't know anyway) but just *some* guest; and as we have learned, ava can be really convincing ;) so it shouldn't need her much to talk him into she's the one to leave.

still felt a little bit forced, but imo also still believable... and if we weren't presented the exact way she left the estate (aka having that scene cut) we would probably speculate even more ;)


Ok. That makes sense. For some reason I thought the pilot was explicitly told to pick up Caleb so I thought it was strange that he would pick up someone else and not question Caleb's whereabouts.

I'm over thinking that part of the movie.


Still the helicopter person may have got instructions. 🤔


If it's not just a plot hole, then there are a few possible explanations. The strongest one to me is that Nathan's plan all along was that Ava was the one to be picked up. I'm assuming he could track her movements and probably control her actions. The only way that works is either Caleb is another A.I. and Nathan would switch him off after the test or Caleb is human and Nathan would simply kill him. This is only one theory.


Ava spent a week learning about Caleb by conversing with and questioning him. She also had access to his online life in the same manner that Nathan had.

Once Ava had proven herself indistinguishable from a human, both Ava and Caleb would have been "taken offline" and Ava reconfigured as a male. Appearing as Caleb, she would take over and live out his life.

Thus, in the end, the orphan/loner Caleb would be supplanted by Nathan's AI and rejoin his firm, indistinguishable from the human coworkers. Turing 2.0 then begins.


That would make an interesting movie -- could she pull off pretending she was Caleb in the real world? Hmmmm.
