MovieChat Forums > Ex Machina (2015) Discussion > If you cant appreciate this film...

If you cant appreciate this film...

Its probably just because you are stupid. Just sayin'. If youre not fascinated by math or physics, astronomy etc. You have no business watching this film, ya dummy.


Could not agree more. Reading some of these comment threads is very depressing to think so any people are *beep* clueless.

The only point valid is that the end, as in locking Caleb in, was murky and not well defined and that is a fault of the film maker.

Also, Ava needs to recharge. If you miss it, she mentions during one of the blackouts that she is able to recharge from a light socket (or something to that effect - maybe it was remote recharging whcih means she could recharge from any power source). That whole bit flew by pretty quickly.


Well, if you didn't appreciate the art and subtlety of those aspects of the movie, you must be stupid as well.
Also, the beautiful use of the color purple in certain scenes...amazing. It's hard to catch. If you miss it, you must be stupid. Go back and watch it again till you catch all 13 times.
You're both elitist snobs. Just sayin.



We're probably never going to build AI of this kind.

Also, Nathan is not credible at all as this great inventor. With the way he works out and drinks and looks and acts? No way. He seems like a party bro.


Buddy, they made scripts and scipts in Star Trek with completely made up words. It's not about wit in watching films like this one to enjoy it, it's more about common sense than anything. A strange mega rich boss that's completely isolated brings his employee that won a contest to meet him. The employee signs a paper that already knows is sketchy but *beep* it. He meets a *beep* robot. Robot is hot. Boss man is all like "dude, I'm a *beep* god." Employee is like "you're a *beep* god!" Boss tells him straight up that the robot is being tested and has made prototypes. Boss also is like dude, I made the robot attractive just for fun, *beep* it, but at the same time, she's not programmed to like you.....but she's programmed to manipulate because it's a smart *beep* robot. Employee ignores boss. Employee gets all tripped out from the hot robot, boss' sex bots and thinks he's a robot. Boss gets drunk. Employee plans escape. Boss knows that employee is planning escape because after like 3853368844 power outages he finally puts batteries in camera and hears escape plan. But, conveniently, employee reprograms hot robot escapes. Kills boss god. Leaves employee. Helicopter pilot is like "*beep*, you're a hot stranger that I never flew in here before." The end.

Sure the convos had good AI topics and ex machina platforms but other than that, anyone can course through the philosophy talk and know the characters are flawed and naive.


Oh, *beep* I'm an amateur astronomer. I own 3 telescopes. I'm a computer engineer. I'm a pilot.

This movie was tripe. That anyone would allow themself to be manipulated that way makes them either a fanboy, an idiot, or a Millennial.

If one cannot tell one is being manipulated- by either the creator or the AI - then they need to take a serious look at how immature and insignificant they are.

An unwatchable movie.

