

The one thing that left me slightly puzzled at the end is the question of power for Ava.
It is clear that most, or at least some of her components are electrical/electronic.
I know little or nothing about batteries or other power sources, especially with today's technology racing ahead so fast, but surely Ava and any of the other AIs would need power to run. All the time they were in the compound there may have been some source recharging them, but once Ava goes out into the world, how long would it be before she ran out of 'juice'? This isn't a watch or a calculator, it is a large, very complex electronic machine, running continuously. We all know how long a smartphone charge lasts with regular use.

Do we have a small power source today that would keep Ava running indefinitely, or are we to just assume that her creator, having had the intelligence to create her, was also able to create a power cell that would be hidden inside her and last a very long time?

There can be no true beauty without decay.


My issue exactly. She said that she recharged via induction plates. At first I thought she was talking about the black thing she puts her hand on, but she can initiate a power cut from sitting right by the glass, so are there induction plates in the floor throughout the house, or did I misunderstand that part?

Regardless, once she stepped out of the house she was definitely draining her battery, and with such a large and complex machine, I find it difficult to imagine that she made it from the house to the helicopter, all the way to wherever the helicopter was taking her (definitely over 2 hours minimum)without recharging, let alone all the way to wherever she ended up.
