MovieChat Forums > Bug (2007) Discussion > Dis-info campaign

Dis-info campaign

Film was not too bad and the effects were quite good but there was some things I didn't like....

I think this film tried to rubbish the alternative history movement (conspiracy theories) by making out that only duggies or crazies believe in that sort of thing. Yeah right.

Also, I thought it was totally unrealistic of the guy to just 'switch' like that into Mr Crazy without some obvious signs beforehand. I've met so-called 'crazy' people in real life (genuine paranoid schizophrenics, schizoids etc) and they don't carry on like this. It's too silly.

Overall I though the film was a hit job. And an ugly one at that.


Giving prisoners syphillis as an experiment is true. CIA giving soldiers LSD as an experiment is true. I've heard the Bilderburg theory before, although I don't know if that's true. There was enough truth mixed in to make Peter's paranoia plausible, especially to someone like Agnes whose judgment was already impaired.

I also assumed that when we meet Peter, he's recently made his escape from wherever. So he has gone off his meds -- he did seem a little odd but not super-crazy at first, I though because he had recently been medicated. And as the days wear on and he continues off his meds, his mental illness consumes him.


The Bilderburg group is not a theory, every year the most powerful elites meet for a conference, the theory behind its moral intentions is debatable...but considering major media outlets spokesmen have attended but are sworn to absolute secrecy, quite literally the opposite of their journalistic integrity, crosses the threshold towards nefarious.
Also, see the Bohemian Grove, as another prime example.

I keep myself from falling too deep down the rabbit hole, for purposes of sanity... so without more concrete evidence, i believe Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and terrorists were behind 9/11 without inside help. Although of the two, if i had to choose, I'm more skeptical of the latter.

The proof of the first paragraph is undebatable, in my mind.



The way it paints the possibility that anyone holding any theory that counters those presented by established institutions is just a loony by throwing some very valid concerns into the mix is precisely my main complaint with this film, although I did love it and thought it explored Folie à deux wonderfully.

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.
