So happy you're mad.

I find it hysterical how mad you guys get over a show getting cancelled and I absolutely love it! Sorry, I'm just having fun rubbing it in.


You are so full of Christian love and the spirit of camaraderie....

"... I'm just having fun rubbing it in"

That pretty much sums it up. You pitiful, sad excuse for a human being.



This pitiful little event makes you happy? Babe, you're easily amused. The rest of us, have to have a life for that purpose. Guess I'll come back to mine now. See you around when there's nothing to say.


Well, I will say that it is petty but I do understand what the original poster is trying to say. It is a rubbing the nose in it type of thing. Many years it has sorta been done to us. I remember once I was talking to a group of people from work and once I had told the group that on Sunday I had to go to Communion this girl who I didn't know was a Lesbien then went completely out of her way to attempt to provoke me to, I guess, hopefully bring out some sorta hatred tyraid. For the next few hours she just kept with, giving me details over details seemingly hoping that some part of her gay lifestyle would cause me to crack and I would start spouting off anti-gay statements so that she could start her own pre-set tyraid. The more I didn't react to it the more she got upset. Here I was, a Christian she could openly challenge, openly say all the things that she wished she could say to Pat Roberts, or her parents. The issue was that I was not acting the way She "wanted" me to act as a Christian. She wanted me to be mad that she was a Lesbien, she wanted me to be mad that they wanted to adopt, and good grief she was totally "ticked" that all that was wrapped up in a person that voted for GW. Being a black Republican didn't help ether. The sad this is that I have seen this before with other blacks when they confront whites that they do not know. They are are expecting racist statements to come flying out of their mouths and when it does not happen it is themselves who seem on a heck bent mission to make the white person mad. This is what this dude or dudette is trying to do. The show being canceled is a victory for some of the religous people. This statement is his or hers "We're Here, We're Queer, Get Over It".



To provoke just for the heck of it is just as bad and childish as pre-concepts of any kind. She was just as rude assuming you would be closed-minded because she was a lesbian as you wuold have been if you had done what she wanted.

'It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no God. If neither picks my pocket nor break my leg.' -Thomas Jefferson

That pretty much sums it. Nothing against Christians, but I would have liked to see one lousy show in peace. If I burn in Hell later, I'm sure it wouldn't be for that one. And I belong to a Christian family, by the way.


Wow, I totally forgot about this thread and am shocked it got any play at all.

I wasn't offended AT ALL by the original show. The reason I'm being petty is because I laugh my ass off at every thread that trashes religious people here. You guys go so over the top it kills me! I wonder if there's any thread essays comparing The Book of Daniel 's cancellation to the burning of books in Nazi Germany. I wouldn't doubt it. And these are the kind of people that I love to see mad... because they make complete fools out of themselves.

That's why I posted this.


I would be equally pissed if they cancelled, say, "Deadwood", one of my favourite shows. I just liked it, and it is disturbing that it got cancelled because a bunch of people who hadn't even watched it banned the thing because, in some arcane way, it offended them.
If a bunch of feminist got Pamela Anderson's series cancelled, they would be dubbed mad, wouldn't they?
And Garret Dillahunt as Jesus was a cutie.

