Glad its gone

I really am glad this one is gone. Hope NBC never brings it back. It was awful for all the religous reasons and awful as a show. Storylines were bad. So, since this is gone I hope NBC continues on with Joey. [email protected]


Man, you shouldn't promote Joey. No one will ever respect your opinion on "good" television.


haha your stupid. Joey is so stupid. BOD IS The best.


Joey has got to be the DUMBEST show on television right now. How it has lasted as long as it has it is beyond me. NBC doesn't air anything good except Scrubs and My name is Earl. Other than that NBC sucks! Especially since they cancelled Book of Daniel. I think its pretty pointless to come in here and bash the show when its mainly full of people who like the show and you probably only watched like one episode. Well I can tell you this, if you go online to you can watch the unaired episode from what was supposed to be this week on TV and I think you would change your opinion. That episode was really good and would have made a mark if aired on televsion.

So don't come in here parading trying to get Joey back on the air. You are saying Book of Daniel is bad when you watch that. What a joke!



Well guess what.

Joey was canceled. Two week ago to be exact.

Ironic, huh? NBC canceled Joey and Book of Daniel in the same week.

NBC did not cancel Daniel because of any group. They simply cancelled their weakest shows and those announcements just so happen to be in the same week.


Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where Puritain Nazis (Yes, The American Family Association) get to dictate to millions of folks who don't share their backwards views what we can and can't watch?

Gee, thanks. I thought you folks just watched the 700 club and went to bed at 7:30pm, anyhow. If you religious zealots don't like what's on primetime use the OFF SWITCH. Don't punish the rest of the country because you want to cram YOUR flavor of morality down our throats.


"If you religious zealots don't like what's on primetime use the OFF SWITCH. Don't punish the rest of the country because you want to cram YOUR flavor of morality down our throats."

Exactly! LOL.. And to the person before who said Joey was cancelled the same week. Wow, I didn't know that. I has heard they had another like 20 something episodes they were gonna air or something. I'm glad that they aren't gonna air them. That was probably the dumbest thing they could have done.. giving Joey a spinoff show! Sometimes I think NBC isn't too bright when it comes to programming decisions. lol


NBC is pretty bright when it comes to programming... they had a pretty successful spinoff of Cheers... a little show called Fraiser. Just a few years ago they had incredible ratings that just about killed every other primetime show. I just think NBC is in a slump right now, hopefully they will get back on their feet because since the end of Arrested Development tv sucks.


"NBC did not cancel Daniel because of any group. They simply cancelled their weakest shows and those announcements just so happen to be in the same week. "

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.


Joey did not get cancelled. Its moving to Tuesday nights in the slot that Fear Factor is in. It will be taking that slot since Fear Factor won't be back on the air until summer. There is a very short clip about it at


They never even gave the show a friggin' CHANCE to get ratings. Lets face it, they cancelled it because of a bunch of puritanical whackjobs.


jgbat_1996, you're an idiot. People like you should be tarred and feathered for your utter stupidity. I hate you dumb retarded fundamentalists.



WOAH! Wait a dang second. All I am saying is that I did not like the show. I am not dumb. I am also not a right wing religous fundamentalist. I just simply did not like the show. It did was awful what it did to religion, and more so than that is was not a well written or witty show. And lets face it, NBC is chicken sh!t when it comes to airing anything edgy. Ergo, Coupling. A show which I did like and HATE they took it off of the air. Of course what that rant really came down to was this.... NBC is pulling my favorite show on NBC, The West Wing. Now there is a (or was a) well written show. So, Brandon, I would call you a bunch of names right here, but I am not sinking to your level.


I've got to agree with the others..the only things good are Book of Daniel, and the new law and orders..and CABle~...stuff i CAN have to be some kind of Idiot to watch another idiot like Joey~..stupid...all those other crappy reality shows..are all crap..watching people make horses patoot's outta themselves..who wants to watch that? the only reason you didn't like BOD was because you saw someone that resembled someone you knew or know in your family...just like that...brought back some fine memories i'll bet! BAHAHHAHAHAHAA..this show is a hoot...Bring it BACK~ It's Great~Funny~Could Happen~Does Happen~ And absolutely has nothing to do with anyones specific REligion~...get a clue~




Iam glad its gone too. Terible show. Christian aren't like that. No Christian man would ever accept a gay child. The pastor at my last church wouldn't take my advice when i told him he had to disown his lesbian daughter if he wanted to keep me and the rest of my good, moral, godly family in his congragation. But he wouldn't listen.

I feel sorry for anyone related to a bigot like you.



bogcmamma67 =




Shut up, little girl. Your kind is alwaysso quick to call someone a bigot just because we stand up for what's moral and right. You're probably one of theose stupid little bi-curious gothic wiccan wanna bes. I pity YOUR parents.

Hmm... Is insulting someone online moral and right? You ARE a bigot and just to clear the air Bigot from Disctionary.Com:


n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Actually, I am a Jewish Raised Pagan, my parents are both Jewish, and we have extended family members that are homosexual. We love and accept them because they are family and what their sexual preference is has no impact on how hard they work, how good they are and how moral they are. They are more accepting, Moral and Right than you will ever be.

I called you a bigot because you told a pastor he HAD to disown his homosexual son and were intolerant of his views on the homosexual issue. You have no right to tell anyone that isn't part of your Immediate Family what they can and can not do. I know a lot of decent Christians who know what is Moral and Right who do NOT attack their children because of a sexual preference.

As for Gothic... depends on what you mean by Gothic, I play Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse, I listen to Evanescence, I dress in Greens and Blue, if that is Gothic to you, then yeah, I'm gothic. But I doubt you have any clue what real Goths are like and obviously you are bigotted against them.

As for Wiccan, no I'm not Wiccan, it's too originized a Religion to me, some Wiccans are just as bad as Christians like you with their intolerance for other views. I'm a Jewish Raised Pagan, but I doubt you'd want to hear anything about that because you'd rather burn me at the stake.

As for my sexual preference? I wouldn't know, I'm still a Virgin in the "Never had sex" sense and I'm 26 years old. Kinda kills that theory right there doesn't it.

As for quick to call someone a bigot, I don't do it lightly, but you certainly show signs of bigotry.

As for Pitying my parents, go ahead, not that they need your Pity, at least they support their children in all their endovers, of course I doubt you'd understand my chosen line of work, it requires creative thinking and openmindedness. It's called Movie Making, not that you'd know ANYTHING about it, obviously, you can't even tell fiction from reality.

So please, keep insulting me with your close mind, you're just making yourself look the bigger fool. I doubt your god will want a bigot like you in heaven. You wouldn't know moral and right if it bit your balls off.


I wouldn't waste any effort on this gal. Anyone who has this in their profile just isn't of sound mind:

"BUT, like I said above, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU IF YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN! Non-Christians are a CANCER on MY country, and I hope laws will be passed soon to GET RID OF YOU"

This gal's definition of christian love / compassion has gone horribly, horribly wrong. It's sad that there are people like this.


::Blinks.:: Never even looked at the thing's profile. What the hell is with "Christians" claiming it's their country. Wow... as a friend of mine (who is a Christian) would say... "bogcmamma67 is someone that needs to be shot in the head."


girly girl... you need HELP! claiming that you have had immaculate conception while verbally attacking anything that ain't your views... yeah... you need help



I'm glad this show is gone because after watching the first episode I thought it was stupid and offensive (since I'm a christian).


People are being way too sensitive.

BOD was just a show. What harm can come from a television show? If anything, a show like BOD would draw more people into Christianity. I felt that it shone a great light on faith, and made the Church look better than what the public is used to seeing.

Have a good one!
