They're at it again !!!

The crazy American Family Association [AFA] is stomping it's neanderthal feet again...

Spears' TV Appearance Refuels NBC/Christian Group War

Britney Spears' planned appearance on hit TV show Will & Grace has sparked anger from Christian campaigners the American Family Association (AFA). The Mississippi-based group are calling for the episode to be cancelled amid claims the storyline will see Spears star as a TV host for a program named 'Cruci-fixin's.' The AFA insists the show "mocks the crucifixion of Christ" and believe the designated April 13 broadcast slot "further denigrates Christianity" because it is the eve of Christian celebration day, Good Friday. The group's protests last month lead to the cancellation of NBC's The Book Of Daniel which featured a drug-taking priest. AFA founder Don Wildmon says, "NBC is clearly mocking the Christian faith. I think they are smarting from the Book Of Daniel defeat that they suffered, and this is their way to get even." NBC issued a statement in defense of the accusations, claiming Spears' role has yet to be determined. It read, "Some erroneous information was mistakenly included in a press release describing an upcoming episode of Will & Grace, which, in fact, has yet to be written."

Good God, what is it with these people. The claim they are responsible for BOD getting canned and now think they can dictate to networks what they cna do? Their attempt to censor what others do is happening all over again. I haven't a clue what NBC's intentions are, but AFA is clearly jumping the gun and over-reacting yet again. When will these boobs learn that they are making fundamental believers look like complete and utter morons? Oh well, keep up the good work. Fundamental Christianity needs to be shown for what it truly is, and no better way to do it than by these extremist efforts of such groups as the AFA!

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Wow also they really think of themselves highly, NBC unfortunately put next to nothing behind BOD and they think somehow NBC suffered some bid loss, wow what idiocy.

"The only time politicians are telling the truth is when they are calling each other liars."


How about this BS?

Christian Activist Group Says It Blocked Britney Sitcom Episode

The Rev. Don Wildmon's American Family Assn. (AFA) is taking credit for killing a planned Will & Grace episode on NBC that reportedly was to feature Britney Spears as a Christian conservative co-host with Jack, the gay character portrayed by Sean Hayes, on Jack's Out TV cable channel. According to an early NBC news release, she was to appear in a cooking segment of the show called "Cruci-fixins." The network later said that the script for the episode had yet to be written "and the story line will not contain a Christian characterization at all." In a statement on Monday, the AFA said, "When NBC said that the script 'has yet to be written,' what they didn't tell you is that the 'story board' had been completed, and the offensive material was scheduled to be a part of the episode." Wildmon himself was quoted in the statement as saying, "Plainly put, NBC heard from their affiliates that they did not want to go through another Book of Daniel situation while losing millions in advertising revenue." NBC recently canceled The Book of Daniel following an AFA letter campaign that, the organization claims, generated hundreds of thousand of written protests.

They do think they rule the bloody world.


I honestly think the christian extremist groups, by fighting against trivial things like this, are going to inspire a much larger backlash from screenplays, tv show portrayals, etc. NBC might be cowardly and ridiculous, but a station like Showtime or TNT or whatever isn't going to back down quite as easily and run with its tail between its legs at the first sign of protest. I think these sort of actions on the part of these groups are actually going to work in reverse at some point, and actually result in a proliferation of these sort of shows/scenarios.

It's kind of like that situation when you're a kid, and your parents tell you, "Whatever you do, you CAN'T open that box." And what's the next thing you want to do...? By saying that there's no freedom of speech to portray christians in any way unless they are portrayed in christian-approved ways, well, I just think there could be a backlash...


I most definitely agree with you, and I will be standing back and laughing. No, I won't be laughing that people seek to offend others, but I will be laughing at the AFA having generated the very problem it so hopes to stamp out. Really, they do deserve it. These guys at the AFA are so haughty standing up there making their declarations of victory that it is sickening. Not only will the more daring stations move into position and take aim at these extremist fundamental morons, but many viewers are getting ripe for it as well. Yes, a backlash is most definitely coming.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


I thought the AFA was burning down embassies in the middle east. Errr, wait, that was Muslim extremists. For some reason I keep confusing my Christian extremists with my Muslim extremists. Long live extremism, you amoral religious nutjobs.


From day one the AFA has been trying to get Will and Grace off the air.

When NBC announced at the start of the '05 season that this would be the last year the show would be aired the AFA proudly announced on the front page of their weekly newsletter and on the website that their efforts have paid off and NBC was "caving" into their demands and this "vile" and "trashy" show "out of touch with American values" was being taken off. After... 8 years.

The show is one of the longest running sit-coms in 20 years and the AFA is taking credit for it leaving network T.V.

Boy have they got a big surprise...

... 10 years of syndicated re-runs...


in some markets 2 or 3 times a day...



You people are still such hypocrites. Look at who's really destroying the first amendment: not too long ago, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas got taken off the shelves for bullsh*t reasons (that content is well within the bounds of an R rating). Who was responsible for that? None other than Hilary Clinton, who's as secular as it gets. Is that somehow OK b/c she's a Democrat?

Number 1, I order you to go take a number 2.


No, it is not OK, for as I have said elsewhere...extremist views are extrmist views no matter what side they sprout from and are never good for anybody. Still, this isn't a board about Hillary Clinton or about games, but about The Book Of Daniel that directly related to the efforts of the AFA. Savvy?

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


will and grace sucks,
gays lesbians, straights, whatever. the show sucks.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti


the nbc execs are morons, i think they knew if they aired that episode that there would be a backlash from the AFA again.

I also conclude, that the AFA after hearing about them, i have concluded that they are nothing more than goons that will annoy a network to get rid of a show that brag that they were the ones that got the show cancelled.

I will repeat my previous statements, if you dont like a show, do not watch it!


Ironically, I am gay and have never watched one single episode of Will and Grace. Still, I think the AFA attacking an idea for an episode is ridiculous, as usual for a ridiculous association.

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they just like to hear their own voice. Personally i am against homosexuality, and drugs but i wont whine to get a certain show off the air and use terror tactics in order to do so.

I think that I also understand where the AFA is coming from as well. You can make the assumption that this is one big FU to the AFA and the christian community by NBC since the AFA claims they brought down the book of daniel in under a month. It is also a holy week(the passion week) so NBC should have known better than to try to create this type of episode knowing full well that there were bomb threats to an NBC station.

I also think the real censors should be the viewers themselves. We have the power to choose whatever we want whenever we want.


"I also think the real censors should be the viewers themselves. We have the power to choose whatever we want whenever we want"

Well, that is how it is supposed to be. Ratings are supposed todictate what stays on and what goes off, not blowhard organizations who pretend to speak for all the people.

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yeah seriously, screw ABC for trying to spit in christians faces.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti


cult, its NBC that was doing that not ABC


yeah yeah yeah, i realized that after i posted it but was too lazy to go back and edit it.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti


my gosh, i'm a christian but i'm no extremist like these people. I didnt see anything wrong with BOD.. I loved it. And I really want to see the Britney spears episode on will and grace. I think it'll be funny. These people need to focus on REAL issues. Not trying to get tv shows cancelled. I mean like i said in other posts, my tcom professor brought this show in for us to watch to analyze it and i fell in love with it. But she isn't a regular professor, she is also a minister and she LOVED it. And i live in Indiana and they did a focus group with the first episode of ministers and minister wives and minister kids and they didnt have anything bad to say about it either so most actual REAL CHRISTIANS didn't find anything wrong with it. So I just dont think these people are REAL CHRISTIANS like they say they are. Just Nazis.. LOL


they want america to revert to the 1950's


i dont think anyone wants america to revert to the 1950's, but they do want to keep family values a priority.

and yes, alot of so called "christians" are just right wing extremists. they need to read some Benedict De Spinoza.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti



Firstly let me say I never watched this show (but I know what it is about) and I don't live in the USA (though I am aware of some of the actions by Christian protestors and family values protectors).
So, having said that, I have a question for Salannert that I think will help clarify this doubt I've had for some time and hopefully be usefull to this board. Do you think that you and the ministers who watched BOD in your town looked at it as a dangerous show that might promote some bad habits, like drug use or a show that helps preventing those habits by showing people it is wrong? I'm asking these because I feel like this is exactly where Christian (or of any other religion) extremists fail. They fail to understand that many people have many different points of view. They look at it as shameless, I look at it as educational. But I am not a Christian so I would like to know what a Christian thinks of it.




theres nothing wrong with love and understanding, you can love and understand something without accepting it.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti



Greg i was speaking about that in a bibical tone. And i was not linking drugs with homosexuality. If you think I was, that's your business.


cult, i agree. the guy needs to know the fact that you can hate the sin but you can love the sinner. Just because i said i am against homosexuality doesnt mean i hate the sinner. He could actually be one of your closest friends.



well i generally hate it when people are like "IM NOT A HOMOPHOBE! SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE GAY!"


hahaha. but yeah, honestly, one of my best friends for 5 years is gay. and im not going to lie, i hate it. but i dont hate him. i love the guy to death and im always going to be there for him.

not all of us are bigots...however, there are alot of hate filled christians out there.

Benedict de Spinoza said In A Theologico-Political Treatise " i have often wo ndered, that persons who make a boast of professing the Christian religion, namely, love, joy, peace, temperance, and chaity to all men, should quarrell with such rancorous animosity, and display daily towards one another such bitter hatred, that this, rather than the virtues they claim, is the readiest criterion of their faith."

and usually, im pretty critical of christians, i guess its just when non-believers start bashing them is when i get on their side.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti


cult, i totally agree with you. Greg is just trying to twist my words around. I was speaking about the threats made against the book of daniel and he's trying to say i'm talking about something else.


anthony, I have known greg for quite some time, not just here but on another forum as well. He was merely pointing out that you mentioned homosexuality and drug use in the same sentence, and personally, I can see how it would come across that you were lumping the two together. It has been done many times before by others. If you say that wasn't your intention, the it wasn't your intention. Believe me when I tell you that he IS NOT a word twister or trouble maker. He is one of a handful of people that has my utmost respect online.

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"hahaha. but yeah, honestly, one of my best friends for 5 years is gay. and im not going to lie, i hate it. but i dont hate him. i love the guy to death and im always going to be there for him...not all of us are bigots...however, there are alot of hate filled christians out there"

I can respect that, for I have had Christians friends on both sides of the issue. I had long time (sixteen years, to be exact) friends, a husband and wife, who were aghast that I was gay. They tried their little hearts out to be a friend to me, but that merely consisted of me having to conform to being the good little heterosexuals to make them happy. After about a year, they bailed out, using the excuse that God told them to step away and allow Him to "take care" of me. Whatever. That happened two years ago.

I have another long time Christian friend of 25 years that was shocked to learn I was gay, but has accepted this about me. No, he doesn't approve and he has let me know that, but he also let me know that it was just how he felt and that it would never stand in the way of our friendship...and it hasn't in any way! I am not out to make you alter your perspective, for truly, I understand why believers consider it to be a sin. I came from the same background and believed the same thing for years as I tried to change.

Yes, there are many hate filled Christians out there, especially here in the south where I live. I hear them in everyday conversation all the time making their crass remarks about gay people, all the while being known as the good Christians of the community. Still, there are people like my friend that I respect simply because he respects me.

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yeah, i love the guy to death, and i dont condone what he does, but that shouldnt change how i feel about him, ya know? I mean, yes i do consider it a sin, but i consider alot of other things a sin too, and the bible doesnt say that any sin is unforgivable except for the sin of blashpheming the holy spirit... so yeah.

In Nominee Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiriti Sancti



I saw the Book of Daniel and didn't think it was very good. So NBC had a good
excuse to can it.

Of course the biblebangers will gladly grab the credit.

Bureaucrats need love


Bruce, I don't think The Book of Daniel would have been a success had the AFA sit back and never opened their blowhard mouths. From the getgo, it wasn't something that was destined to have wide appeal, and from the majority of opinions, it wasn't successful at what it tried to convey. Of course, there are people who enjoyed it, and I respect that as well, but this isn't really about who liked it, who didn't, or the show's quality. It is about organizations flexing their control over the masses, as well as political pressure and clout, to force their point of view on others and dictate what I watch. It makes me sick that the AFA is telling themselves and their followers that they really do have that much sway. This crap over Brittany Spears is proof of their over inflated self importance.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Now this is the same Brittany who was all for GWB's re-election.

Bureaucrats need love



^ I already made some form of apology and clarification. Over A MONTH ago.

Get over yourself.



she knows. It's why she married me.



jec thank you for being the only one who understood my post. I was saying that the AFA and went overboard with the threats they made. Would any sane person call up a TV station with bomb threats just because they didn't like what they were seeing. We're supposed to be sane rational people not insane zealots like Bin Laden.




The crazy American Family Association [AFA] is stomping it's neanderthal feet AGAIN...

Wal-Mart Hit by 'Brokeback' Protest

Wal-Mart has turned aside a massive letter-writing campaign by the American Family Association urging the retailer to refuse to stock Brokeback Mountain, being distributed by Universal Home Entertainment. The group, which has successfully campaigned against what it considers to be broadcast indecency launched the campaign last week after ads for the film began being displayed prominently in the retailer's 3,900 stores. In an interview with today's (Tuesday) Los Angeles Times, the AFA's Randy Sharp, accused Wal-Mart of helping to push the "gay agenda" by "trying to help normalize homosexuality in society." He added, "But how many copies are they going to have to sell to [recoup] the losses of customers who they've offended and will no longer shop at Wal-Mart?" But a Wal-Mart spokeswoman replied, "The fact that we are offering the movie is not an endorsement of the content of the movie or any specific belief. ...We simply offer the latest titles that consumers want."

I am sure Wal-Mart really cares if it loses ten customers over this! People who want the film will get it whether Wal-Mart sells it or not, so they aren't going to change anything IF they were to accomplish making the pull the DVD from their shelves...which they won't do, of course. And if they think that they have enough power to turn people away from Wal-Mart in any way that will actually affect them, the AFA has another thing coming. Wow, it never ceases to amaze me how they over-estimate their own effectiveness or importance.

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I think I read the first three words before deciding it was more of the same old crap. Anybody else other than the neanderthal AFA endorser of the board?

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I just think it's kind of fun to just sit back and laugh at the AFA and their trivial instigations. They're ridiculous to the point of hilarity.


Really, that is all they are good for. This thing they are attempting with Wal-Mart is laughable and has no chance of success. It makes me laugh to watch them even try. It also makes me laugh that they feel so threatened by a DVD. They like to pretend that they had more of a hand in The Book Of Daniel's cancellation that I believe is true. I think that the simple fact that most people found it distateful and simply bad is why it went off, yet the AFA parades around as though they single handedly defeated it. I mean, come on. It might mean something if they were to ever get a successful or accepted show removed, but this?? Whatever. Brokback Mountain will show them their true lack of influence.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


The AFA needs to understand there is a certain American right called "free speech" and there attempts to undermine it is facist and unamerican. Remember when women pulled an al snow wwf figure just because it included a severed head.
It is highly unlikely that the AFA will be uccessful in pulling the dvd.



Thanks for replying anthony. I agree that the AFA stands little chance of success, for far too many people see them for what they are. If anything, they simply help Wal-Mart in their advertising and promotion of the DVD, thus upping the sales! Still, the AFA are thick-skulled imbeciles that won't be coming to any form of "realization" any time soon.

Referencing the WWF action figure with the severed head, how long ago was this? Gotta love over-reaction from the religiosity crowd!

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?
