Book of Daniel on DVD?

Are there additional episodes than just the few that were aired? Does it at least have a conclusion to the story line that was started?

It just seemed so unfinished when it was pulled off the air.


There are seven episodes on the DVD; I think that's three that never aired. I haven't watched episode seven yet, but it looks like there is going to be a lot left unresolved.



Just borrowed the DVD yesterday and watch the first three episodes. I just laughed out loud. I loved how it moved between being laugh out loud hilarious and warm and sweet. To me it isn’t a controversial show at all. It is about people really trying and struggling to be good in a complex world where what it means to be good is not cut and dry. I just love Aidan Quinn’s character Daniel and I wished the priests at my church gave sermons that were half as thoughtful and touching. It amazing me a completely self righteous, moralizing and aggravating show like Seventh Heaven runs for many years while a show like this is pulled off the air after four episodes.


If you loved the first 3'll love the rest. You can find them on Netflix..


I cannot wait I liked this show!!


If you can get it on DVD, do it! The other episodes were just as good.

Where I am (NJ) we only saw 3 episodes. They aired the 2 premiere episodes. They skipped one though-I never saw the episode where the woman thought she had breast cancer & was afraid to tell her husband (also Daniel's wife had lunch with Daniel's brother in that episode & offered to help with his campaign). Then the next one to air on TV was where the son got caught in school with the girl. Then everything else was on


I watched this show when it first aired and was cancelled. Never saw the four remaining unaired episodes, but what pissed that it was cancelled. I was just at Big Lots today and found the complete series (aka all seven episodes) for sale for $5! I didn't even know this show was on DVD! I bought it and can't wait to re-watch and watch all seven episodes!


Like the previous poster I found it at my local Big Lots for $5. Keep checking as their inventory comes and goes. Can't go wrong with Aidan Quinn, great actor.
