
Got through 20 mins of this movie. Bad acting, bad script, bad direction.

When I say bad, I mean porno bad.

Suck city.


You're entitled to your opinion. As you can see, you are in the minority. The movie wasn't Oscar worthy but it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.


So what you're basicly saying is that the majority likes Android apocalypse?

Protest the Top 250, vote this a 10!


Android apocalypse was on the More Movies channel a few days back here.
Just watched it and think it was OK I give this a 4 out of 10.
Another one a bit like this I saw I would say is Enemy Mine (1985) also about them trying to work together to escape.


4.7, enough said


Watch the whole movie then make your claim. :)

I admit that it wasn't the best movie out there, but it wasn't the worst (ever see '2103: The Deadly Wake'?)

My opinion can differ from's allowed.


Bad post, bad thread, bad watched 20 minutes and truly, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I, on the other hand, watched it All and it does Not "suck" (to use your colloquialism).

And I told myself I'd stop bothering with troll threads, but every so often....




This one was really hit and miss with me. The best relationship in the movie is the conflict and resolve between Bairstow and Lawrence. The rest of it though is a bit watered down. In the end too, I felt like the whole production cheapened. And speaking from a practical standpoint, how on Earth does a pile of sand catch fire?


wasn't good but i have seen a lot worse on bigger budgets.

Titanic - too long too boring
crossroads - spouse watched it ut i was in the same room
any Tom Cruise movie

Which came first the virus or the anti-virus!


It's supposed to be a pile of very flammable stuff according to the main guy. That's what he tells his girlfriend when she asks what it is.

The funny thing is rather than use a bulldozer to move that stuff, the androids have the humans filling up little buckets. Even though moving the stuff a bucket at a time is extremely inefficient with the amount of men they had working there, it shouldn't have taken them too long to finish. It seems the androids were just giving the humans "busy work" to pass the time while the head guy experimented and studied the differences between humans and androids.
