one of the worst movies

Don't waste a second on this movie.


I couldn't agree more. Crap, predictable script.

Can you believe this movie actually has a chase sequence where a female character falls over, has a little cry, gets back up and runs again.

Nicley shot, though.

Go to the pub instead


haha yeah this movie wasn't very good at all. i wouldn't have minded it that much, except the song that played during the credits completely ruined the movie. the entire movie i was waiting for something horrific to happen, but then the ending credits rolled and the most terrifying part of the entire film was when the music didn't match with the movie at ALL.


Soooooo predictible. A kid who makes friends with a ghost, newspaper clippings to tell the backstory, a rich jerk who who puts himself ahead of women and children in danger. It goes on and on. If you're going to use every cliche in the book, at least do it with camp. This film didn't have an ounce of humor.

It was the first of the "8 Films to Die For" that I've seen, the other couldn't possibly be worse.



Well i read the whole of 'Hello' magazine through this movie - top top movie. They should stop *beep* like this ever getting released because i've got better things i could waste 2 hours on!!
