disappointed (Spoilers)

I was disappointed with this one - good atmosphere and a couple of good scenes.
Should have been much better.
Most disappointing: Villain gets killed off-screen




Yes they were flesh-eating child-Mine Workers



I thought the movie itself wasn't bad. It was alright. The only thing is that the kids didn't look dead at all. They just looked like they had powdered their faces and ate some chocolate or something lol.

"I'm on IMDb therefore my opinion is fact"


I thought this movie had the POTENTIAL to be really good. The acting wasn't bad, the gore was pretty good, the story wasn't *too* cliche, but... something was just missing...
The above poster is right, the kids weren't scary AT ALL, which was dissapointing, because that would have helped. I thought the pacing was off too, but that's still not quite what was wrong with it. I think the main thing I didn't like was the fact that it wasn't dark enough. I read a review on here somewhere in which the person said that, even in the eerie scenes, it was too 'polished'. I think that's a pretty accurate assesment. It's almost like the powers that be in charge of the movie tried to make it too much of a 'Hollywood blockbuster' instead of a creepy little horror flick.
This is the first of the 8 that I've watched, and I didn't have the highest hopes for it, but wanted to like it despite the fact that it may not be as good as some of the others. This one, I will not be adding to my DVD collection, which is really a shame...

"Sometimes I look in the mirror, and I'm not sure it's me looking back."-Nikki Sanders 'Heroes'


I agree; it looked like they had just finished eating hot fudge sundaes.


I liked the atmosphere as well but the look of the zombie kids didn't scare me.


I was disappointed as well; too much gore, kind of silly, stereotypical gore at that; the plot was slow and the suspense factor just wasn't present. It reminded me of "Night of the Living Dead" except the zombies were of the elementary school variety. Pure cheese (and, as a Wisconsinite, I know cheese.)
