
I've been noticing a trend in hollywood, they seem to be making the same movies over again. Just like this movie, they made it the first time in 1987. My question is which one do you think is going to be better the 2006 version, or the 1987 version? Brandon T. Jackson is so hot!!! L.F.N. (Later for now!)

Go see Roll Bounce In Thearters September 23, 2005!


Did you even read the synopsis? It's not a remake; the plot's completely different.


Well, I read an article that said that this movie is a remake of the one was of the 1987 movie?! Brandon T. Jackson is so hot!!! L.F.N. (Later for now!)

Go see Roll Bounce In Thearters September 23, 2005!


Did you JUST figure out Hollywood's been doing remakes?


kinda fast arent they lol just dont tell him sabrina was a remake


I'm p1ssed off that this was green lit and Watchmen was dropped from Paramount's production schedule.

Seriously, I may just boycott anything Paramount releases over the next little while to protest this asinine decision and I hope my fellow Watchmen fans do the same.

Personally, I hope Watchmen makes truckloads of money when it's finally released, is adored by both critics and the general movie-going public and that even the most vocal critics of its being filmed at least grudgingly acknowledge that they do a good job.

It is also my sincere hope that it wins lots of awards and becomes an instant classic.

Believe me, I will be the first to stand there with a towel so those morons at Paramount can clean the egg off their face.


Well, I read an article that said that this movie is a remake of the one was of the 1987 movie?

Whoever wrote that article should be fired.

P.S. Just a suggestion. Your signature needs to be spaced, quoted or something, it's a little confusing reading your posts, when it's directly under your post.

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7


Yea. I love the original and even tho i know a remake could never be nearly as funny as the original, i was still a tiny bit excited when i heard there was a remake being made. But read the plot summery. This cannot be a remake. In the orginal, the teacher was a total slacker, who was in no way a real acdemic teacher. he was gym teacher who was forced into teaching the summer class. the summery of this movie sounds like the teacher is a motivated and very conventional, to a sense, teacher. either this synopsis is wrong or this is not a remake.

"...But the robot cannot cry. That is why he will lower himself into a pool of hot lava."


I agree that this IS NOT a remake, just a movie with the same title. This is like when I say "have you ever seen Bad Boys" and somebody says "yeah! that movie is so funny" and I ask "What in God's name are you talking about" and they then go on to tell me that Will Smith is great.

I have NEVER saw that movie and "Bad Boys" is with Sean Penn and was made in 1983.

Same thing here, looks like.


To all those who say this is a remake: I am not saying that you are wrong but could someone please prove that it is true with a link to something from the people making this or at least explain why you are so sure? If it is a remake shouldn't they give credit to the original screenplay author on this page?



This isn't a remake. Here is a link to the homepage for the film along with trailers and such. I know this isn;t a remake because I worked on this film. We weren't making a remake.


This is not a remake - I've seen it - It is a film made my a few of my college friends - one of them is Tony. The film is about a kdi who has to go to summer class. There a few stories going on. I saw it when they premiered it at our school


I saw this movie in Erie Pennsylvania last Sunday and I am quite positive that it is a remake. Not a remake in the traditional sense where one tries to cash in on a previously successful film but one where someone unwittingly takes a title for their film that belonged to a piece of trash hollywood flick and makes a far better film for me to associate with that title. this movie was entertaining as all get out. Yeehaw!


Yeah that's not at ALL what a remake is. That's just two films with the same name. It has happened before, it will happen again and idiots will post on IMDB about how the two films, although completely unrelated save for the title, are indeed remakes.

There are enough remakes out there that deserve our disdain. Let's not muddy the waters, shall we?

This movie is not a remake in any way, shape or form.
