
I havent seen this film but it seems a little dated, is there still an ecstacy scene?


errr.... you're joking right?


No mate, I am from the UK and Ecstacy is not too popular anymore, just curious.


so what was everybody on at bangface? o_O

i'm from holland (yes, i'm aware, THE export country for E, so maybe that's got s/thing to do with it) and it's going strong here, i'll admit there's a lot of rubbish around like mcpp, but look around and the good stuff is still there (if you know where to look ofcourse).

on the movie: if you liked human traffic, club le monde, go, groove, rise-the story of disco donnie, american massive, midsummer nights rave et al, this is great!
(i'll admit i'm slightly biased 'cause i collect rave movies)

hope to have helped.



Fair enough mate, Bangface huh?
Was just curious about whether the US was still enjoying an ecstacy phase.
I know NL exports most pills, I know the purity and quality are better there. Too bad you guys gave the UK all that grit weed and weed sprayed with 7UP LOL.
Cheers mate.


Half a million instances of use in the UK every weekend is hardly "not popular". Home Office statistics show that use over the last decade has been pretty much static.


Yes still very popular in the U.S, particularly among teenagers

Sometimes the difference between self-amusement and self-actualization is less than you think.


Fair enough, have been proved wrong.


Still popular in Canada, but if the authorities can be believed, there has been some bad stuff (PMA or PMMA) being sold as E which has led to a number of deaths over the last year or so. -pmma_n_1203118.html
