Worst movie ever?

This could be it.


I think you mean BEST movie ever, sir. If that's the case, then I agree wholeheartedly.



I wanted the two hours of my life back that i spent watching this movie!

"I've got a bit of a dirty fork"


It is it. It's almost so bad, it's kind of good. It made all 3 Sleepaway Camps look Oscar worthy.


I agree this is the worst thing to be called a film I have ever seen. It may have well just been a snuff film cause that is in essence what this was.

The World is full of people who are better off dead.


just watched it and bought it for $2 and even that wasnt worth it

Captain Howdy.
Who's Captain Howdy?
You know, I make the questions and he does the answers.


I disagree... this must be the ONLY movie about a motorcyclist with a PHD who eats flesh. Nothing scarier or more frightening than an aged, leather-wearing, foghter pilot from the twenties (judging by his terrifing goggles).


It's way too mundane to be THE worst movie EVER. It was, however, damn near insufferable. Wasted two bucks on it.


It's possible that the screenwriters wrote this screenplay as a joke. I'm sure that they were aware of the plot hole of Dr Chopper planning to become rich and famous from his miracle cure when there's already an arrest warrant for the murder he committed.
