Muggy Autumns?

I didn't understand the meaning of the exchanges between Gorm and Kristoffer about the weather, and Gorm's adamant contention that autumns are muggy in the country. Is there some piece of Danish cultural context that I'm missing?


This, I believe, refers to a prior "off camera" email exchange that between The-Boss-Of-It-All and Gorm. Obviously Gorm is mad at BOIA (Kristoffer) and now, when finally facing BOIA, he explodes. It is funny since Kristoffer has no idea about this but needs to maintain his composure while it is really Ravn who is responsible for the exchange with Gorm.


Thanks for the reply! I pretty much intuited what you're getting at. I just wasn't sure whether the "muggy autumns" reference was *supposed* to be oblique--i.e. Kritoffer, like us, has no idea what the hell Gorm is talking about--or whether it was something cultural I wasn't getting.


I interpreted it as the best translation they could do for a play on words. "Muggy" implying that he was about to get "mugged" or hit. I figured there must have been some expression in Danish that could either mean damp weather or a punch...


not likely.


Any Danes on board to settle this?


I'm a Dane, and I was just as confused as you. Anyway, I have this 'explanation':
In Danish he says something like "I was born in the countryside, and the autumn weather is getting damp, very damp". It's the screenwriter's attempt to make up some kind of 'funny' countryboy slang, I think.
I suppose Gorm is refering both to he's past in a rural area and that he has a bad temper. The two facts combined explains why his hitting. In this country it's a common prejudice that 'farmerboys' settle conflicts with fists instead of talking.


As a Dane I agree here. I also couldn't figure that out. I also guess that there have been emails between them and that Gorm is mad at the boss. It's so funny that Krostoffer dosn't know why. Casper Christensen is the actor thats plays Gorm and he does a good job.


I just assumed that the boss' emails about the wheather were making fun of Gorm for being a country boy? I could be wrong of course.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Yes, another dane must agree, there is no saying in danish like the one in the film - it's made up.

So, what do you think?
- Does it come in black?
Batman Begins


Didn't they say he has a rural seasonal depression?


I thought maybe they had discussed something regarding the weather, via email and it referred to that. Like maybe he had asked for air conditioning/fans/time off because of the warm weather and the BOIA had dismissed his request (perhaps mocking him) and said that the autumn weather was fresh, not muggy and that he would not pay/grant him time off.

The actor thought he just wanted to discuss the weather but unfortunately his viewpoint was the same as the BOIA which angered him.
