Terrible Movie!

Save your money...ugh.


Spoiler ahead ******************* *****************
Save your money...ugh.

Well ... at least for me it was a rental and not $10 a ticket. Even better I pay the blockbuster monthly charge all you want 2 at a time deal. So that makes bad movies not hurt as much.
It would have been a bummer to lay down $20.00 for this piece of doody.

You know I thought I would take a moment to explain all I thought that was wrong with this movie. But the idea just tires me out. I'll just say this if you like to watch a dreary movie that is as predictable as a paint by numbers kit then by all means rent this movie and ... (see below)

spoiler below ******************* ******************** ******************** ******************** **************

If you like twist endings that scream out loud that one is coming all through the movie (even in the packaging) then this movie was made for you. It's almost embarrassing to call it a twist ending.

We Must All Have Waffles Forthwith!
