MovieChat Forums > Bathory (2008) Discussion > More Deadly Than A Male Serial Killer - ...

More Deadly Than A Male Serial Killer - About Damn Time!!

The world isn't ready for acknowledging the female serial killer as a threat - that's because so few know about the legendary monster that is Bathory. I mean sure Aileen Wurnous received the official title of America's first female serial killer (but let's face it there has DEFINITELY got to be more out there) - but there's no way the number of victims she murdered with equal to the hundreds in Bathory's carnage.

You always hear about male serial killers (Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, Ed Gein) but you rarely hear about the female serial killers or the female hit women.

If anything, I believe the female of the species IS more deadly than the male.

Do and Say What Others Only Wish They Could - We Are All Outcasts of the Soul.



Er, you do know the countess killed other women don't you? before you get too right on about her feminist credentials.


I DO know that she bathed in the blood of her servants and the girls from the neighboring village. She is also the basis for the evil queen in Snow White.

This is not me raising my 'inner feminist'. I have a degree in forensic psychology and believe that the field of female psychopathy is under developed and under researched. The only female serial killer in the United States that appears to have that actual label is Aileen Wurnous.

The reason for that being is that even in psychology the focus is primarily upon men and as such they base what they know about the male serial killer and utilize that as the foundation for the female serial kiler.

I'm just stating a fact. The reason the focus is primarily upon males is because many of the fore fathers of different branches of psychology are of the male gender so its not surprising that that would be where the focus is.

Do and Say What Others Only Wish They Could - We Are All Outcasts of the Soul.


Actually, historians have confirmed that there is no evidence that Bathory bathed in her victims' blood. They attribute that to rumor and hearsay, spread after Bathory's arrest and during the trials of her accomplices. I think it's one of those cases where the legend has outgrown the actuality of the event. I'm not disputing that she was a serial killer, or that her crimes were horrible, just pointing out how imagination can take something and run wild with it. As for male and female serial killers, I think the reason that so much attention is paid to male killers is that there's more of them. Of course there are female murderers, but the ratio of male killers is higher compared to that of females. I do agree though that female serial killers are a fascinating topic, just because they are so rare. It will be interesting to see what direction the movie takes with Bathory's story.


Alright, so what's wrong with being a feminist? Being a feminist is seeking equality between men and women on all platforms of society. Any self-respecting woman SHOULD be a feminist.

"A film is-or should be-more like music than like fiction..." Stanley Kubrick


Any self-respecting woman SHOULD be a feminist.

No, there's no such requirement that she SHOULD be. I know that I am NOT one for sure. In fact, I can't stand feminism. It's ruined our role as women as opposed to enhancing it. I do not wish to be treated EQUAL to that of a male simply because I am not a man and women and men will ALWAYS have their differences. Equality is NOT the same thing as equity. I'm for the latter and certainly not for the former.

All wish to possess knowledge, but few are willing to pay the price.


Well, we obviously have different opinions on this one. But I personally believe that women should no longer be living in a society in which all things are governed and administrated by men. For some women it's always been a case of when men finally decide we can get the vote, when men finally decide we can receive equal pay and equal rights, and so on, we can have these things. But it's only ever until men decide for us. And I am not happy about that.

According to you feminism has "ruined our roles as women". Okay, what exactly are our roles? A step up from slavery, everywhere you turn there is a place for you provided by a patriarchal society? Wow, there's so much to choose from, I say sarcastically. You can be...a virgin, embodying mans idea of practically biblical virtue? You can be...a prostitute, there to satisfy their lust? You can be...a mother who stays at home and rears his children and cleans his house and cooks his dinner?
Of course, these are roles we did not necessarily choose for ourselves!

"A film is-or should be-more like music than like fiction..." Stanley Kubrick
