Jerry's dream

I did not understand Jerry's dream at the end of the movie. He talks about it at his NA meeting at the end.
It started off sounding like what had really happened. Him stealing the silverware. But then he says he finds some heroin in his pocket and he has the money for his next fix and he feels at peace.
I didn't understand the point of him having this dream at the end and what it was supposed to tell us.
Can someone explain?


BUMP because I'd really like to know people's take on his dream. Thanks.


I thought the point of sharing with the NA group was to get things off your chest that were bothering you. At the end of that scene he said "he was at peace with a fix in one hand and money for the next in the other". IMO I think it bothered him that he had not gotten pass that point yet, therfore repeating "one day at a time" over and over.


This was simply my interpretation of the dream, not sure if it's what the writer was going for...

He, earlier in the film, describes his need for heroin as searching for a feeling he knows he can never get back. Halle Berry's character, after her husbands death, is also searching for that feeling she knows she can never get back, and when Jerry describes heroin to her, she makes the connection between the two and wants to try the drug.

In Jerry's dream he is searching and searching and searching for it - to find that feeling. He has the money but no matter where he goes he can't find what he wants. Finally he gives up, goes back home, and discovers that what he was searching for is something he already had [His connection to the family]. So there he is having discovered that he already had what he was looking for, now armed with the knowledge that he can get it again.

The feelings that Berry's character got from her family, Del Torro's character tried to find with heroin. By the end of the film he has given that feeling back to Berry and her family, and discovered it for himself.

The fact that Jerry relates his subconscious feelings in terms of heroin, is testament to the power the the addiction still holds over him, even if he has found a replacement.


Wow, thank you riku-7.
That was a really great interpretation of it. And it makes perfect sense.
I was wondering because the dream scared me. I thought we were going to feel as though Jerry was finally coming to peace and giving up on heroin for good. But hearing his dream and how having the heroin made him finally feel at peace scared me. I thought they were trying to show us how Jerry will never really get over it for good.
But it actually makes sense that he was searching for something he already had.
Great explanation, thank you.


That makes SO much sense.
Thank you.
*Huge lightbulb comes on in my head*


Very nice interpretation, if taken literally any addict to opiates, well any addict would understand, but that is a great point. Intelligent insight.


I interpreted this as saying that his life was always the most intense peaceful thing he would or could ever experience, and waking us was the realization, that it is something he has to say good-bye to, like Audrey had to say good-bye to her husband, but the past peace and happiness is always there.
