AWFUL editing

I've been watching this movie for only 20 minutes and it's all over the friggin place. Jumping forwards and backwards in time so I have no idea whhat the hell is happening and who these people really are. So confusing and damaging to the story. I don't know if I can sit through this whole thing...




Jumping back and foward didn't bother me. But some cuts in the action (like a character having his hand in the face, cutting to a shot were the hand is down) really bugged me.

Your lies have killed more men in a day than i have in a lifetime. --CSM--



Like the other poster, I was not bothered by the lack of chronology and flashbacks. But the jump cuts were totally sloppy. There were constant abrupt and noticeable jumps to another take of the scene. Does anyone know if this was done for some particular effect, or was it just that they didn't want to take the time to do it right? I found it very annoying and it happened all the time.


A fractured timeline has NOTHING to do with editing. The director has a say in what order the scenes appear, the editor decides where to make the cuts in the footage that was shot. A movie that takes place chronologically can have bad editing (during action scenes where you can't tell what is hitting what, for example) but for this film it sounds like you had a problem with the sequencing, not the way it was edited.

I often have a problem following films that show events out of order, but so far I think Things We've Lost in the Fire has done this really well. I'm only around 20 mins in too, and at the moment I don't have any trouble figuring out what's going on.

It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...


That first 30 min is boring and certainly doesn't grab the audience(my wife fell asleep!) I watched until the end and and it turned in to an ok film The initial cut backs were ok and not that hard to follow


attention span huh? u see 20 mins of a movie and when you are bothered by the lack of chronology you stop watching and post on the internet about it, sign of the times I guess.

perhaps they should start releasing those yellow books with short summaries of the films nowadays, but that involves reading though
"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."

