Wow. Just Wow.

My expectations were very low for this film because it wasn't the kind of film that I get excited to see, but man was I surprised. I honestly believe that Benecio Del Toro has only gotten better throughout the years. I compare his role in this movie to the one in 21 Grams and it just blew me away. Halle Berry was good, and that's alot coming from my perspective. Then the supporting cast was excellent.

I thought the pacing was spot on and I just became enthralled with the story and all the characters. Of course I also liked The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford so I might just have a thing for movies that other people think are boring.

I highly recommend this movie. 9/10



Hi ! I watched this movie yesterday Wow says it all. I was just blown away by Benecio. When Halle finaly breaks down I has tears running down my face so so good. And the honesty of Benecios character about his addiction was amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. I wonder if the writer had trouble wether to let them have sex or not. I really thought they would finally have a physical relations unless it went over my head and I missed it because, they seemed real close to it at times.


They did not have sex in the movie although there were 2 scenes where it could have led to that. The first was in her garage/apartment where he spontaneously kissed her and immediately apologized and stood up. She touched her lips, thought about it a few seconds, then left the room. There was sexual tension in that scene.

The second scene was when she had trouble sleeping. She asked him to assume the physical positioning that her husband often did, in the bed, with his leg slung across her waist, and him gently pulling on her ear. It relaxed her enough that she fell asleep. There was no sexual tension here. Sex was not on their minds at all. She was exhausted and he was puzzled about how to help her. After she fell asleep, he got up.


Totally agree. It was very sad but a very good film.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!

