MovieChat Forums > Things We Lost in the Fire (2007) Discussion > Wouldn't care if this dvd got lost in th...

Wouldn't care if this dvd got lost in the fire

Not a movie I want to see again. It was okay but just rather boring.


Your opinion means nothing to me.

IMDB Breeds Stupidity


Well, it's just kind of one of those movies that exists in the interstices, as this points out ---->

Not for all tastes, I guess. I dig on some Del Toro, though.


this movie should get lost in a was wack


I didn't hate it, but it definitely doesn't compel me to watch again.

[Insert unoffensive, unpretentious sig here.]


So....should I care if this thread and the OP gets lost in the fire as well?

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.


I agree, this film had very little to offer in the way of a plot, believability or continuity. The acting was okay but, like they say, you can put lipstick on a pig and you still have a pig. I happened to see it for free at a theater pre-screening and I wanted to leave but my wife wouldn't go, (even though she admitted after that she didn't like it either). David Duchovny was the lucky one ; he didn't have to stick around for the end, (I couldn't use the word 'ending' because there wasn't any real conclusion to the story - it was that bad).


"(I couldn't use the word 'ending' because there wasn't any real conclusion to the story - it was that bad)"

sigh....everyone wants tidy little bows.


No, I don't demand 'tidy' endings, I just want some semblance of a conclusion even if that is one that's intended to leave you hanging or a little confused or whatever. There are plenty of films like that and many of them are terrific. But one can walk out on this film at any point within the last 15 minutes and it wouldn't make any difference. I'll admit that I actually became excited about 1/2 way through when it was finally mentioned that YES! there actually WAS a fire! I thought to myself, now this is all going to pull together into something meaningful, that the the higher purpose to all this drivel is about to be revealed, tic tic tic .... nope.

One thing is for certain, I ain't holdin my breath for the release of "Things We Lost in the Fire - Reloaded".

If you liked the film then that's just ducky but don't bother with trying to convince me that there's something wrong with me or others for thinking it was a worthless waste of money, time and talent.


"don't bother with trying to convince me that there's something wrong with me or others for thinking it was a worthless waste of money, time and talent."

Aw, but it's SO much fun!

(You're just one big yo-yo. )

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.



I don't really care if you disliked it. That doesn't really matter to me. But I am getting a bit tired of seeing posts (not just for this movie) that complain about resolutions that "don't exist." It was a big argument with No Country For Old Men that was difficult to deal with and it is for this movie too. I thought it was clearly defined, putting the process of addiction and grief side by side. It's a bit obvious, yes, but it is clearly there. As funny as it is to think about "Things We Lost In The Fire: Reloaded" it would be equally silly to have this movie end in a way much different from how it did. Jerry, Audrey and the kids playing in the pool and eating a family dinner or something? That's not how it would happen. I don't mean to single you out as an individual when I say this at all, but I'm frequently shocked that people expect total closure for everything. Do they get that in real life? Not very often. Maybe the function of movie watching is just different for others.


I think that maybe you've hit the nail on the head if you are referring to my 'expectation' as being the 'function of movie watching'. You are also right that I neither always get nor even expect closure in life. I can only attempt to affect the outcome of a given issue to the extent that it is within my control; some outcomes are completely outside of my control and some outcomes are completely up to me. That's just real life.

I have no desire to pay money at the movie theater to experience real life; I have enough of that to handle as it is. I pay with the expectation of being 'entertained' which I broadly define for a movie to be one with a 'story to tell' so that I can let my mind escape to be within that story. Not to say that I expect to be ~comfortable~ within that story or even that 'closure' must be achieved because sometimes the aim of the story is to leave the closure up to the viewer. Sometimes it can be a torturous experience to allow yourself to empathize with a given character or situation as with a 'thriller' type movie (Memento for example), or one with unresolved issues within an introspective theme, (Crimes and Misdemeanors is fresh on my mind for example).

I can't tell you exactly why it is but this film didn't give me a 'place' to be as though I was suddenly forced to passively learn every tragic detail of my next door neighbor going through some bad situation when all I really would want to do is send a sympathy card and offer to help if they thought that I could. Maybe I just don't like films where all I get to 'do' is sit there feeling sorry for imaginary people on the screen when there's plenty of that to go around for real people on the nightly news?

So I guess this does come down to a difference between us on what we each expect from a movie...


I dont have to convince you there is something wrong with you, but there is! What part about the ending did you find confusing? "Take it one day at a time"...that's the honest and truthful refrain for any recovering addict. But to call this drivel, shows alot about your tastes in movies, and your judgement (or lack thereof) of good,insightful and profound movies.


Stopped watching after a while, I LOVE Benicio del Torre and he's always good, just thought the film was rather dull and I didn't care about Halle Berry's character a whole lot. The only thing I've liked her in was Monster's Ball, haven't seen her in anything else that was interesting. There is zero chemistry or anything between Benicio and Berry. The whole script was bad and boring and predictable.

Try watching 21 Grams instead, now there's a movie that'll kick you in your pants ...


It's a Lifetime or Oxygen afternoon movie at best. And that's being charitable.


Yeah it was pretty lame. But Benicio is good eye candy and the cinematography was great.


Thank you for the laugh :)

IMDb ain't got *beep* on me !!
