MovieChat Forums > Things We Lost in the Fire (2007) Discussion > One of the worst movies in recent years

One of the worst movies in recent years

Seriously, this was one of the worst films I've seen in recent years. Don't waste your time with it. It's an incredibly dull, indulgent, wanky, baggy, slow-as-molasses "artsy" piece of pretentious rubbish. Full of cliché and familiar tear-jerker formulaic devices. Susanne Bier just won an Oscar (2011) for Best Foreign Film. God knows why... But then again the Oscars are corrupt and have become meaningless over the years. I've seen her "After the Wedding" too which was a major disappointment as well for precisely the same reasons/ cheap devices as above. She seems to make films in the same vain: relationship dramas, which to me just turn out to be dull melodramatic schlock. The only thing I've seen from her is "Brothers" which was semi-decent. People! Have you seen films made by Truffaut, Godard.. 50 years ago?!? Sheesh, this current crap is so low in comparison.. and people buying into it and actually liking it is deeply shocking and disturbing and a sad statement as to the level of standards people have today.


Geez, dude, tell us how you really feel.

It's okay if you don't like it, but how was it constructive for you to make this thread? Can't you just let the rest of us enjoy our silly little melodrama (and that is what it is, I won't deny that) and keep your bile to yourself? It's not that difficult a concept.

Let me guess. You're one of those people who fancies themselves intelligent because they've watched some old movies and can throw around European directors' names. I agree that there is a lot of crap out there but this isn't that awful a movie. Go pick on something that deserves it, like those Friedberg and Seltzer "movies" (the most recent being "Vampires Suck") that murder comedy and then proceed to take a huge dump on it. Every. Damned. Time. Or "Transformers". Or "The Room".


I liked this movie for what it was, two appealing people battling very different demons for different reasons -- together. And because the actors were also VERY good.


Well, I'll be the first to tell you that a little Halle Berry goes a long, LONG way, but I really enjoy this movie. Benicio is absolutely brilliant and the kids were great, too.


Its a vehicle for del Toro & Berry and they act their socks off in this. As for the direction yes I think its a little hit and miss but its fine to enjoy it for what it is without attempting to hold it up against the best films of the great directors of the past
