MovieChat Forums > Things We Lost in the Fire (2007) Discussion > Benicio Del Toro: I Don't See Myself as ...

Benicio Del Toro: I Don't See Myself as Sexy -see-myself-as.html

Awww I think he's sexy.


Oh, heck yeah!


I think so too. He's a gorgeous guy!


Tbh I think its a bit tongue in cheek

He knows he is a good looking guy the amount of women he has had over the years pretty much confirms it lol


I think it's more or less, he doesn't get it but he'll enjoy it while it lasts. And a lot of those girls were more after the name than anything else. Not the serious relationships, but the more recent only-saw-them-for-a-couple-of-weeks flings he's been having.


yeah i mean he said that his longest relationship has been a year and a half so i dont think he has ever really been a long term relationship guy. He isnt keen on monogomy either so i think he will always in to casual relationships.


Yeah. Some people are into it, some aren't. I actually respect that he's staying away from long-term relationships and pretty much letting each of his girlfriends know what they're getting into. That way it's on them if it ends suddenly and they had the impression it would be a long-term thing. Because he's never made a secret out of it.


yeah i always find it interesting when he is interviwed for magazines and the subject gets to his personal life and if she is with someone he always says ' i am seeing someone' rather then referring to them as his girlfriend.


Well, we're all guilty of wanting to know too much. But it really is personal, and if he doesn't want to say, he shouldn't have to. I like that he goes to such lengths to keep his privacy because he could be like those celebrities that bait the tabloids and he just isn't.


Sorry i didnt mean it like that what i meant was that he probably doesnt view relationships with women as his girlfriends i think he just views it as a casual hang out together for a while type of thing.

Thats probably why he doesnt appear with them at premieres and award shows etc because he knows they are not going to be around long term

Who is to say thats a bad thing i sometimes have a hard time thinking that you are supposed to be with 1 person your whole life


I agree with you. I wasn't talking just about you, I meant people in general. ;)


Me too!


I think it's really cute, sweet, and endearing when a man is good-looking and sexy but he doesn't realize that he is. Yeah a lot of the women he was with were only with him because of his money and fame, he's not the first, nor last person that has happened to. I find him very attractive, but apparently, a lot of people think he isn't. He isn't conventionally good-looking, but usually the men I find attractive aren't so in the conventional sense, yet they have that je nais sais quoi.


I think he is hot! He has gorgeous green eyes and sexy lips and is tall, which I like in a man. 
