California Crap

This movie was so bad --- No basis in reality ,awful editing ,what was the point of all those eyes ears and mouth closeups? And worst of all ,not a single character evoked sympathy ,interest or concern .


No basis in reality? Are you kidding me. You clearly are a very naive person. This film couldn't be more real, if you knew anything about the world you would see that. And if not a single actor evoked interest then I feel sorry for you.


I agree....
The camera is supposed to reflect the perspective of the observer.
I do not stare up people's noses, nor get close enough to count eyebrows when in a conversation.
The camera movements literally made us nauseous - so we quit right after Jerry moved in. SHAME
nice cast - OK story line.
Why do directors feel the need to move the camera around and bounce so much???
Rick C
Sioux Falls, Sd


agree that the editing was awful and the plot strained credibility, but i wouldn't go so far as the op to say that it had NO basis in reality. There were some scenes that were pretty real in it.


the worst!-they should have stop at the stroking of the necklace in the shower. She's like a robot, I felt nothing.



Cali crap? It looks to be set around Seattle area(but filmed in BC, of course).
The heroin stuff is based on what's still happening. Recently, the cops have even started carrying Naloxone for people who have OD'd.
