i'm wondering...

I'm wondering....Whats the diferents between Call of Duty 2 and Call of Duty 2 big red one?


Well, the main difference is that Call of Duty 2 is about 10x the game that Big Red One is. Since it's made for high level PC's (and the Xbox 360) it looks better, it plays smoother, and there's none of this vehicle/plane crap. Just pure, adrenaline pumping combat, the way CoD is supposed to be. It's also WAY longer.

The same goes for Call of Duty vs Finest Hour. Call of Duty is by FAR the better game. Mainly because CoD was developed for PC's by the talented Infinity Ward, and Finest Hour was hacked apart and cheapened by Spark for the PS2. The experience doesn't even compare. The PC Call of Duty's are clearly superior in every facet.

You want vehicles? Go play Battlefield 1942.




whatever you do, do not even for a split second think of purchasing finest hour. that blowed! i was unfourtunate enough to purchase it and i regret it to this day...call of duty finest hour puts an incredibly small tarnish on another wise perfect fps franchise!


Thanks for the tip.


Do You Guys know if Sgt. Hawkins Died sfter the Incident in Mons, Belgium. Please Respond.


Hawk dies on the level called an easy detail, he gets ripped apart by MGs
