MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty 2 (2005) Discussion > when do you think Iwo Jima will get a ga...

when do you think Iwo Jima will get a game???

I mean Iwo Jima is one of the most violent and powerful battles in world war 2. It has all the right reasons to have a game

RIP Star Wars Galaxies :(


Maybe...but i think that'll only come when they have dried up every last battle that happend in Europe.

We still have alot of Russian battles like Berlin (It was on Call of Duty 2 but only 1 level) and Leningrad plus a more in-depth battle of Mosco (CoD 2 only had 2)


There is a Iwo Jima mission on Battlefield 1942 if that helps



They could also make the siege of Budapest. One of the bloodiest battles.


It has a game...It's called Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault!! Albeit a mediocre game, but a game nonetheless!


1st of all, MOH:PA is amazing, 2nd: Iwo Jima isn't in the game. It ends with Tarawa.
