MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty 2 (2005) Discussion > Hill 400 *contains spoilers*

Hill 400 *contains spoilers*

I admit, the mission where you and your company are defending Hill 400 is chaotic. I spent the whole level running, shooting, reloading, picking up whatever weapons I could get my hands on if I ran out of ammo and tossing grenades. Once the P-51's flew over and forced the Germans to retreat, I jumped out of my chair, raised my arms up and yelled something along the lines of, "Yeah baby, take that you SOB's." Anybody else do that? Also, as the planes flew over and the other two soldiers (I forget who it was) were talking, I was wishing for a button that would let the character you control to raise his arms and shout in victory.

What good is mining nose gold if you can't share it with the townspeople?


Yes I had that same experience of relief, but instead of jumping out of my chair, I picked up a gun and shot someone. Now i'm in prison. Thanks a lot Call of Duty!

"Nobody gives it to you. You have to take it."


I just had that feeling of relief wash over me and layed in my chair for 5 mins stairing into thin air.



yeah its really annoying level
the enemy position "up to u " gives the enemy the superiority
i played this level on hardened difficulty and it took about 20 minutes to finish


I felt amazingly good after Hill 400. Especially since i beat it on Veteran.

The Dude Abides


Through the whole mission I was clutching my controller tightly. Then at the end, I shouted "Finally!"


I actually got a combat high on that Mission, it just went on for so long and was so mental! When the P-51s came in at the end I was like "Yeah! Take that you Nazi twats! Burn in hell like the fascist scum you are!"

Who says video games affect day to day life?

I just hope a German family wasn't moving in next door

"More and more of our imports come from overseas." - George W Bush


you beat it on veteran?! I am a COD fanatic with all the games and I would never try a level like that on veteran!


why do I not recall Hill 400 on COD2?


ok, you capture a hill with a squad of rangers, take out a bunch of bunkers, and hold it while constantly being bombareded by *beep* mortar teams, panzers, and about twenty regiments of infantry. remember now?

i recently beat Hill 400 on veteran myself, but i died about 5000 times in the process :(


yea is that where Brooklyn dies? right before the end of the game?



This level, like a lot of COD2 levels, is as hard as you make it based on the way you go about the level.

I went through what a lot of people described the first time I played it on veteran - when the planes came, I just hung my arms down with relief.

The second time I played through the game on veteran, I concentrated on being as strategic as possible.

Spoilers for beating this level on Veteran coming....

I prefer the gewahr 43 and the MP44. If the MP44 isn't available, I'll use the mp40.

Here's my relatively painless method. After clearing the last bunker, grab the smoke grenades there and if you like, the panzerschrek. Climb up the hill and head for the sandbags just by the road.

An armored car will come by. You can do one of two things - pop out and hit it with the panzer, or my personal favorite, use it to block for you and walk along side it as it drives along the road. As you near the end, step behind the car and kill the germans as they come out.

Head towards the closest mortar crew and lob a grenade to hit the fuel barrels. Go over the hill and finish the rest. There's a panzershrek here. Use it to complete the next objective and blow up that big truck up the hill.

Work your way up the hill and to the right, towards the next mortar crew. Grenade/shoot them. Continue around the building, lobbing a grenade or two towards the boxes in front of the bunker: the germans tend to hide there. Duck into the bunker and set the door to blow. Step back into the entranceway and face out to kill any germans who come in behind you.

Once the door blows, lob in a grenade and finish off the germans there. Blow the interior door, lob what is hopefully not your last grenade in there and finish them off. Watch out for germans coming into the bunker from the outside and surprising you from behind.

You can now use the machine gun to kill any germans dumb enough to walk in front of you. Step out into the open and finish off any germans still around.

Next part:

Starting with the sniper rifle, you need to make your way around the trench line and pick off the mortar crews. This is pretty straight forward - just watch for any germans who are close to the fence and keep your head down.

Once they're all down, run back to the bunker and swap your sniper rifle for a panzershrek. Take shelter in the bunker for the artillery barrage.

After the artillery stops, exit the bunker and head west (towards the first mortar crew location you cleared earlier). Just around the corner of the bunker is a mg42. Man this machine gun as a majority of the waves will come up the west slope. Use your panzershrek to take out the armored cars that come up the west slope - this right here will make the level go much more smoothly as you are eliminating a big chunk fo enemies each time.

Keep an eye out behind you in case any germans come up the north slope. The mg42 and sweep almost directly south, so you should be able to take care of anyone coming from the west or south.

After the third armored car is destroyed, there will be a tiger tank coming up the north slope. Run over to where you got the panzershrek before and get some extra ammo for it. Blow up the tank as it presents yourself. The next tank appears on the south slope and you have plenty of cover around the trenchline to take it out. From here, it's just mop up duty until the p51s arrive.

