Mark Hamill

I see him listed, but I can't recall his voice in the game. What it his character's name?

He starred in the movie called The Big Red One, so maybe it's a mix-up.


Mark Hamill isn't a soldier in the game, he is the news annoucner dude when they show the black and white cutscenes about the operations.


Kinda nice, considering he starred in the movie of the same name. (Not to mention his phenomenal voice-acting skills.)


I have the 360 version, and I was going through Hamill's voice credits when his name came up as the narrator for this game.

I just got done playing recently and it just does not sound like his voice.

I know his voice has gotten much lower as he's aged but this voice just sounds even deeper and the British accent sounds authentic

I'm not going to say it isn't him, but it just does not sound like him in the least.

Anyone able to shed some light on this? Did he maybe do the narration for Big Red One and somehow was credited with the wrong version?

This is an old thread so I hope someone sees this and can shed some light on things.
