MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty 2 (2005) Discussion > A 'call of duty' game with ... a german ...

A 'call of duty' game with ... a german scenario!

So? what do you think? Would you like to play for the German side in a "call of duty" game? I think that it would be interesting in the least.



I asked this to my friends on a few occasions. I think it would be cool, but also depressing. Not only would you be killing the good guys (come on, let's face it: the Nazis were pure evil as a whole) but in the end, you'd have to lose the war to win the game.

Plus, I'm sure there would be much dissent among some groups, what with the rampant murdering of millions of Jews. Even though I'd like to play a game as part of the German campaign, I'd definitely agree that it just wouldn't be right to put them in the spotlight. Their agenda was evil, they murdered millions of Jews, and stole the Ark of the Covenant. Oh, wait... That was "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

So yes, I would like to play it, but no, I don't think it would be right to make a game like that.


Maybe they did steal the Ark of the Covenant. I'll have to look into it. I think stole it, but who knows?



Yes i suppose it would not be ... "politically correct" to play for the German side. And yes, they were truly the bad guys ( even if the simple german soldier was just a pawn in the "game", the leadership was pure evil ) However i would find it interesting to play a scenario in a "iron cross" ( the movie ) style, taking control of a soldier fighting for his own just to survive, against overwhelming odds.

Who knows after all ... maybe the modding community makes something like that later.


Yeah. You might even be able to play it off as the German conscript fighting because he's forced and will be killed otherwise. He doesn't like the cause, but he's got no choice. Obviously it happened, and those Germans had a choice to fight or die. Not many of us would choose death.

It could be done, if they took care with the story and what point of view your character saw the war from. I'd be interested to see what could be done with it.



Oh, I agree. And that's the way you'd have to play it off. Make it a point to SHOW that they were normal people, forced one way or another to fight a war they didn't necessarily agree with.


A mod in the works by a German team:

The Conservative party is the cream of the country... rich, thick and full of clots.



Copied and pasted from another post I made in the Call of Duty 1 board:

There is no aspect of WW2 that hasn't been covered by the game industry, except from a german point of view. My ideal ww2 game is, always has been and always will be, german soldier, private or corporal, who is actually an American, who was born in Germany but raised in America, possibly he moved back to Germany when his father died. (this is to increase the interest in the main character, and also might make for some interesting prisoner scenes a la Band of Brothers) The game would start off in Poland, maybe take the whole first 1/6 of the game just being the invasion of Poland (another big thing is this game would be *loooooooong*), then France (I've many time envisioned a scene where you march through Paris with lines of tiger tanks rolling past you).

If it were me, I think I would maybe skips the eastern front, but I would probably have some of the side characters moved there, the main theme of the game not being actual fighting, but growing fond of your fellow soldiers in your company, and they follow you from start to finish, with exceptions for casualties of course.

As the game progresses into 42, 43 and 44, you go through denmark, Italy and possibly North Africa, and end up back in France, defending the western front from the americans. The game would end with your regiment's leader disbanding them and telling you to do whatever you whish. You and a few other soldiers decide to head for the american lines and surrender. Here, I'm not sure but I think I would have one of your fellow soldiers accidentally get shot by a jumpy American GI. Why? Cause war his hell.

I really wouldn't even touch the Nazi thing. Apart from Heil Hitlers and swaztikas, cause, y'know, they kinda were everywhere... But I would just make the game focus on the soldiers, the men, and the player's relationship to the NPC's. Cause that's what so many game fail with. Particularly most WW2 FPS.

I like movies



Me anmd my mates talked about that. We thought maybe we could do it like the other CoD games. Italy then Japan then Finally Germany. Like Russia, Britain and America.

"Nobody cares about ZOIDBERG!!!!" - Dr Z


You can play as the Germans in strategy games such as Blitzkreig, but not in any First Person Shooters. Not sure why, but maybe it's because a FPS is more personnal.
I can see why it would be wrong, but playing as your average joe german soldier wouldn't be bad. It's not like you would be executing Jews or gypsies or any other people who weren't perfect in the Nazis' eyes.
I am part Polish, and went over there last year. I visited two concentration camps, including Aushwitz, and believe me when I say this: it makes you pity the germans who weren't Nazis and were forced to watch and carry out the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.
I still can't see a german scenario on a COD game though. The media would have a field day...


I can see everyone's point, but to be fair, since when do games have morals and ethics? I mean, in a lot of games you are killing enemies which many people in the world wouldn't agree with, take GTA for example.

I wouldn't care about the killing of the Allies, I'd care more about playing the game itself.


Why does everyone care about the Jews! I mean they also killed about 18 million other types of people like homosexuals, gypsies, mentally retarded people, physicaly deformed people, and also paralyzed. They also killed a bunch of Christians too.

I must say though that that would be an awesome game



I like movies





Great idea. But... Germans.... evil? It's like saying that Americans are evil because they have a Republican government. Most of the soldiers in the Wehrmaht were good guys.


People say: "You can't play as the Germans, they were evil and it would offend people."
Don't the Germans get offended when they make a game where you kill their countrymen?


Yeah right. Like they couldn't smell the burning corpses.




Why so much debate about playing as the Nazis since they killed so many people, but theres no big debate about fighting as the Russians, who killed just as many people. I can't see playing as the Germans being an overly bad thing, its probably the only thing that could re ignite the dying World War 2 shooting franchise anyway.


If i play for German side, i wanna play in The Battle of Paris ...


It's funny that if it's politicaly incorrect to play as the *beep* but you can play as the commies which killed more innocent people than the nazi's. But yeah I think it would be a great idea to play as a german soldier(no fanatical bitch just the average Pvt.Müller). Or why not a finnish soldier?? It would be great to play as a finnish soldier during the winter war and the continuation war.


One of the good things about COD is the inclusion of some of the other main players in WW2. MOH was almost exclusively Yank oriented with a few stereotypical Brits with dodgy accents thrown in.

America didn't join until 1941 remember, and only then because they were forced to.

I too would have liked to have seen a German/Axis perspective in this game. Even the hilariously jingoistic recent C&C games (Generals in particular) let you play the part of the GLA (albeit with the emphasis heavily on dark-skinned, bearded maniacs with slave workers and chemical weapons).

To suggest that the entire German army were all Nazis and therefore evil is ludicrous, they were - for the most part - ordinary soldiers doing the same job as the Allies.

All sides were involved in attrocities. Not least the mass rape of 100,000s of German women and girls in Berlin by the Red Army which was glossed over in the first COD (not that it would have been a particularly pleasant aspect of the game).

Alcohol is the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems


Yeah..I mean people apparently haven't played games like Blitzkrieg or Sudden Strike where you get to play as both Allies and Axis. These games don't contain any: "Mission: Kill all civilians from village X to avenge the deaths of two of our officers in a Partisan attack." Or: "Mission: Round up remaining jews from the area, and ready them for transportation to Death camp X." None of that crap is in any strategy game (apart from the NOD missions in Command & Conquer), so no FPS game will have it either. Did the American campaign in CoD contain any racism towards black people? (which was common in America those days) No. Therefore, for the sake of equality, a WW2 FPS game with a German scenario must be created.


A game where u can play as the axis faction would be so great! And dont forget, most of the german ordinary footsoldiers were actually not evil, but just ordinary men who were forced to serve in the Wehrmacht by their evil Fuhrer. So playing like one of these foorsoldiers in a game would not be a disgrace i think.
I very like the idea of the scenario of this game by the original poster, i think it would be a bestseller because we already played too much as an american, brittain or russian. But the game must have a very dramatic story in it, seen through the eyes of a german soldier who has been put in the Hell called war by his evil and psychotic leader.


Actually, Arachnophobe, there was little nudge towards the racism towards black people in CoD:FH. There was an entirely black regiment of tanks except for the officers. At first no one liked em', but eventually they gained respect.

"Nobody cares about ZOIDBERG!!!!" - Dr Z


I would like to see a Call Of Duty with the Japanese Imperialists in place of the Nazis. And here are some of the campaigns that I think would be perfect.

Campaign: In Place of:
Chinese Soviet Union
Australian British
American N/A


I don't know of any FPS where there is a campaign where you are playing the "other" side. One issue of playing as the Germans isd that any "victory" you have in your battlers will be wasted as it won't be in furtherance of a victoey in the war.
That said there have been games where you are a U-boat captain. Those are the only WW2 games I know of where you play as the Germans

