Is Leo coming back?

I've only seen the first episode (my vcr went bad and I'll have to wait for repeats) but is Leo coming back to the show? I don't remember what happened to him in the finale of inquest.


Chick states that Leo has moved on, i.e. retired. That could mean they aren't planning to bring him back (a la Jewel Staite, Gwyneth Walsh, Sukela Matthew, Callum Keith Rennie, etc) but it doesn't rule out the odd appearance or two. I am wondering what happened to Rose.

"Don't call me toaster, meat sack."


Rose took a job back east. Chick said that about a second after he said the thing about Leo. I think that's DVI code for "she won't be back". No mention of Suki or Marla. I guess they got dropped. A pity. I'd much rather see them than Constable Plucked Eyebrows and her girl gang of Xena wannabes. Dear God, is that woman awful. She makes my teeth itch every time she appears on screen.

Haddock has said he'd like to see Rhodes back, but he hasn't said anything definite. So, I guess the door is open and they're still filming, so it's still a possibility he'll show up this season. The return of any of the above characters is always a possibility, unless they're dead. But there has to be a storyline for them and they have to be available. The latter problem may explain why they didn't have Bobby show up last week when Mick went looking to talk to Vice and why Danny has never shown up (or even been mentioned) during or after Mick's battles with the Horsemen. Both Rennie and Martini are busy guys. It may just not have been possible.

It's nice to see Glen Gould back, though.

Good luck on CBC airing repeats. It would be logical for them to air DVCH after running through the rest of DVI, but since that would actually make sense (much like rerunning the season seven finale before airing the DVCH premiere so everybody could catch up), I don't see them doing it.


Showcase has been running more current ones of late. Yesterday was the episode that starts off with Da Vinci, Leo and a sub partner find a guy dead in the docks with an octopus on his face and where Brian melts down with Sue in the car. I won't say much more since it is a pretty crucial episode.
I never thought they'd reintroduce Bobby or Danny. (hell, I am wondering if Rennie will reprise his role as Leoben on Battlestar Galactica) Marla has to come back, Kandyse McClure's got a good gig on BSG, but I am sure she could squueze in the odd appearance. Given what seemed to be happening between Suki and Mick, it would be odd to just drop her from the series.

"Don't call me toaster, meat sack."


I thought there was mention of Leo having his own private investigative firm? But on a p/t basis (his wife passed away in the last season of DVI, right?). Good way to guest-star him occasionally. I always thought that he and Rose could have developed a romantic liaison, but I guess the age-difference thing is too politically incorrect.

Pardon my ignorance, but whatever happened to the evil Brian in DVI? Did his nefarious ways finally become uncovered, to expose him for the dirty cop that he was?


He came back last week. He's the cop involved in the pedophile ring that Mick is investigating. Since Mick has finally decided that the world would be a happier place without Brian in it, Brian's days are now probably numbered for real.
