MovieChat Forums > Da Vinci's City Hall (2005) Discussion > Da Vinci City Hall Season Two

Da Vinci City Hall Season Two

I was shocked and VERY dsappointed to hear of the show's cancellation. I've watched it from the very beginning and have LOVED every single episode.
The cast and crew have very obvious great chemistry and camaraderie together. You can just see it on-screen.
The problem could just be fixed by making a few minor "tweaks" here and there. The writers, producers, and directors are all very talented and could still make it work.
If you are a big fan of the show, like I am, then why not send a few thoughts on what you've liked about the show, or would like to see on it?
I've seen shows get pulled before...and then revived. This one can, too. Let's petition for it's comeback. E-mail CBC...or any other applicable people. Da Vinci's City Hall can return if we voice our opinions. Show them FAN DEMAND!


There's a petition already up that you can sign:

By all means, write in. A bunch of us already have, but the more the merrier.


I signed it. The least I could do.

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. John S Mills
