MovieChat Forums > Da Vinci's City Hall (2005) Discussion > Da Vinci thoughts on petition

Da Vinci thoughts on petition

I don't think there's a real answer to this but I guess then I'm just wondering what anyone's opinion would be on why the petition for This Is Wonderland has over 3500 names and Da Vinci I'm so surprised only had over 300. I can't figure why the large gap. I had the idea both shows were very much loved and probably by many of the same people. My opinion is that both shows offered something I don't see in any other show on the CBC or on most tv in both Canada and US. Any thought on why so few are fighting or expressing their opinion to save Da Vinci.


I believe it's because the Wonderland people stuck the petition up on their site and the Da Vinci people declined to do so. Wonderland is gone for good and won't be coming back, so they have nothing to lose. Haddock Entertainment, on the other hand, is working on a Da Vinci movie and the series Intelligence, so they have more to lose and cannot afford to be associated publicly with a petition for a show that is scheduled to come back in a different form and would double their workload this summer if it were coming back as a full series.

I guess the short answer to that would be that fewer people are getting excited about Da Vinci because it's not really dead, or at least, it's a lot less moribund than Wonderland at this point. There will be more Da Vinci; there will not be more Wonderland. Kinda ironic.


Yep, that's exactly right. The Wonderland site also did a blanket emailing of all of their discussion forum users, and because of that the petition got more than 2000 signatures in the first two days alone.

The DVCH website has no discussion forums, although I think the DVI site did many moons ago.
