What station ?

I can't find this program on my cable stations. Is this strictly Canadian ?


It was on CBC. It was cancelled back in February. However, it should be coming to the U.S. at some point as season eight of Da Vinci's Inquest.





Hey Snow - Did you hear for sure that it'll be broadcast or are you being hopeful, like me? WGN is airing a lot of promos for new [to them] programs, I've been wondering if that means Da Vinci will disappear from the lineup.

We must learn to live each day as a unique opportunity to make everything new - H.Nouwen


Program Partners has said that they've acquired both Intelligence and DVCH for broadcast in the U.S. though there's no info about DVCH on their homepage just yet:


As far as DVI is concerned, its coverage has actually increased and it tied for third or fourth in syndication this past year. It's definitely been renewed for a second year.

I'm especially cheerful about Intelligence, though I'll likely be in Canada by the time it airs on CBC, so it won't matter one way or the other for me. Let's just say that if you ever wondered what Tracey and Haddock could do if Haddock did a Vancouver Vice and Tracey did Sonny Crockett, get ready for quite the ride.



Thanks for the info, I've bookmarked the site. I hope Intelligence does show up here, and SOON. I'm looking forward to seeing Ian Tracey in something new, his appearances on The 4400 have been good, but too brief.

We must learn to live each day as a unique opportunity to make everything new - H.Nouwen


I hear ya. I wanted to slap Killabelle. The actress is doing a terrible job.

Ian Tracey is the lead in Intelligence, so he is front and center. He plays the balance between Jimmy's violence and his emotional side extremely well. Jimmy can be very tough and will beat the crap out of a guy if the guy crosses him (he doesn't hit women), but he dislikes killing, despises heroin and loves his family. He's an extremely complex character who is in no way, shape or form a sociopath. But he sure rides herd on a lot of them.

Mary Spalding is also pretty amazing and, as it turns out, she and Jimmy are on the same side. Tracey and Klea Scott work great together. I'm looking forward to seeing more of that pas de deux.

I was less impressed with Matt Frewer's Ted Altman character, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that we know almost nothing about Ted's motivations (right now, he's just a creep with a badge) and that the old boys' network that he represents is deeply boring next to Jimmy's networks or all the cool female cop characters and criminals the show has. I'm hoping they'll play to those strengths and keep away from the usual clichés.

