
Intelligence, Chris Haddock's latest series with Ian Tracey, has an official airdate now at CBC. It has much of the original cast in different roles. If you're a Matt Frewer fan, he's a regular, too, as it "newcomer" Klea Scott, who's very good as tough OCU head Mary Spalding.

It's showing in DVI/DVCH's old spot, Tuesday 9pm, starting October 10.

The official site is here:

I've also got an episode guide set up here:


and an (unofficial) Yahoo group dedicated to the show here:

Membership is moderated to keep out trolls, but anyone interested in the show and/or future DVI/DVCH movies, is welcome to come (though you should also post in the old DVI groups, as well, because they can use the traffic). You can find news, photos and discussion about Scott's role in the pilot and series in all three places.

BTW, the old DVI groups are:

Check 'em out.


I would like to know why it takes so long for Canadian TV to come to America! Why did they cancel Da Vinci's City Hall...I have not even had a chance to see it...I cannot get enough of Inquest...all the actors are great, the directing and the story lines are all wonderful...the atmosphere of the series is riveting and you want to absorb all the dialogue! The interaction and what seems like trivial dialogue sounds like a real conversation instead of acting!
