MovieChat Forums > Da Vinci's City Hall (2005) Discussion > shoulda stayed on the street

shoulda stayed on the street

Hey c'mon people...Da Vinci shoulda stayed on the street where he belonged...!! Once he got behind the mayor's desk, the stories were just plain boring...! Even worse when Donnely Rhodes' grizzled old cop retired...The ambience, the feel of the streets disappeared entirely..and don't even get me started on the younger cop becoming the new coroner all of a sudden...puleaze!!!!!!!!


My thoughts exactly. Da Vinci's Inquest was gritty and dark. How did they expect to generate drama and excitement from a cushy office? Ian Tracey and Donnely Rhodes worked as a team - the classic headstrong kid and wizened mentor combination. And what happened to Sarah Strange? She was my favorite...


Sarah Strange is in Men In Trees. That's a good show set in Elmo Alaska.


It is not a good show. I am watching it out of perversity because I get to see Sarah Strange, Suleka Matthew, Amos? Benrubi who played Jerry from ER, the guy who plays the airline pilot & the lady who plays his wife & the guy who plays the town barfly interact, & make silk out of dreck when they're on.

You could however take Anne Heche, the lady who plays her editor & the guy who plays her sometimes boyfriend & put them on a barge & sink it & it would be a much better show. They could put most of the writers on it too. Don't get me started.

Like, there are other actors on who are not bad actors, but I can live without their characters & their characters' quirks.

I started watching it because I felt it was too bad Strange & Matthew (& Benrubi) were in such a turkey & I should at least watch a few before they got canned. They have not yet gotten canned, so the comittment is getting severe. When they are not on is a good time for out-of-the-room breaks.

You notice they didn't kill off Benrubi's character on ER, just put him on medical leave. I bet they saw his new show before they decided that.


I did feel that "City Hall" didn't have the same sense of direction that "Inquest" achieved. It felt a little lost, a little scattered, like there were pressures to copy "West Wing" while struggling (unsuccessfully, most of the time) to maintain a thread of continuity with its predecessor.

Having said that, I'd just started to get into it and thought it had a chance if allowed to grow. But it was shut down before that could happen. I suspect the issue was more about saving money for the CBC than anything else, but they may have shot themselves in the foot by cancelling one of the few good things they had going.


Considering the crap they've got in their line-up, I'd call that a given.

Of course, if Da Vinci hadn't become mayor, an eighth season never would have happened. It was Haddock's last-ditch attempt to get another year of DVI out of CBC. So, blame them for the change.

My biggest problem with it was the lack of character development and the fact that not only did *none* of the storylines get resolved, but that played-out storylines just kept going...and going...and going... Rhymes with "Dom and Bill and Charlie and Jan..."

That said, I, too, was really getting into it when it got cancelled and with the exception of Intelligence and the DVI reruns (which they have no nixed, as well), I now have no reason to watch CBC.


Sad, but true.


I'm lucky enough to get CBC out of Vancouver down here in Seattle. DVI was a brilliant show. One of the commenters on DV Mayor complains that ehre is no resoultion in many cases to the story lines. I think that is great, I hate the way Hollywood and US controlled TV always inssists on simple minde3d plot arcs where the story is thin as soapy water, and it all has to be explained at the end. So tedious. With the DV Mayor series we had the same sort of writing where the viewer drops into the story and then after 60 minutes it's over and there is some indication of what the out come may be to the sotry, but it is not carved in stone like we get out of Hollywood. And Cambell is brilliant.


Well, story lines were rarely wrapped up in Inquest either. If they were it usually happened many episodes down the line. Perhaps the same would have happened with City Hall had it been given more time. But I always felt every episode of Inquest should have ended with "To Be Continued...."


I think they often did the samt slice thing in DVI. I loved it (still do). I record from WGN every morning and watch when I can. Some episodes I've seen three times now. I sure would like a chance to form my own opinion on DV Mayor. Any news on this?

Yes, brilliant!


There is a thread on the DVI mesage board that alludes to WGN airing it in summer 2007. Take a look



I think DVCH basically tanked due to poor publicity. With the way CBC didn't promote it, the entire cast could have performed buck naked in frequent sexual congress with farm animals all season and I doubt the ratings would have been any better.

Rewatching it, I think the the biggest problem was that they focused way too much on the police corruption shenanigans without giving the characters involved in it any redeeming values. Considering recent political events in Vancouver, I understand why they pursued that storyline. But Bill and Charlie and the union reps were far too one-dimensional to be sympathetic, so their scenes wound up being very dull (they were also on screen far too often. Several scenes every single episode was too much). The actresses who played the young gang of constables (especially the one playing the lesbian officer) were godawful and completely unbelievable as cops. But worst of all, we never got enough of a look into *why* the police structure was the way that it was. How did it all end up so bad that you had a "street crew" of South-American-style thugs and a sociopath and pedophile like Brian Curtis was allowed to continue his murderous shenanigans for over a decade and counting? I found that very frustrating. If you're going to set up a political mystery like that, solve it already!

I'm on the fence about the last three episodes of the season. On the one hand, it was wonderful to see Mick save the day. On the other hand, it was less wonderful to see Mick's fantastic pedophile-hunting storyline (the one that *should* have dominated the season and ended up connected to everything else) totally sabotaged and shoved aside so that Mick could play deus ex machine for Dom. Yuck.

But on the whole, I don't think that any of those things had much at all to do with the cancellation. The show had to move on at some point, there was a lot of good stuff there (if only they had ever stopped neglecting the older characters and got around to developing the new ones) and it got higher ratings than "Intelligence" which, frankly, worked better in its freshman season as a season. Pity DVCH didn't get a second season, though it's good to at least get a new movie. Lots of cancelled shows don't get even that.



A television movie has been filmed and will probably appear on CBC this fall.


Hmm. My first reply didn't come through for some reason.

Yes, a new tv movie has been filmed and will probably show this fall on CBC.



See the link below. That's the official word.

I've also been posting links to any new articles/interviews on my Yahoo group for "Intelligence", "The Stolen Briefcase":
