MovieChat Forums > Da Vinci's City Hall (2005) Discussion > Jim Byrnes to be a recurring character?

Jim Byrnes to be a recurring character?

Kind of interesting seeing Jim Byrnes (Wiseguy, Highlander: th series) make a one scene cameo as a city councillor in this weeks episode. I wonder if he'll be back now that the track/slot machine debate is heating up.


I hope so. It would be fun. The way Dom was talking to him, it seemed a sure thing that he'd reappear. Of course, JB wasn't available for a while because he was filming the latest Highlander movie. But he should be back now.


He also appeared in the season finale. From the way Dominic was talking to him, I'd say there's a possibility he could appear in the two-hour movie, too.


Just saw a music video of "Just a Pilgrim" by Jim Byrnes played on Bravo! Canada, and I'm pretty sure I spotted a few fleeting glimpses of Ian Tracey in the video.


LOL! I didn't know they know each other. Of course, according to Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes can walk into any bar on any continent and play to a bunch of happy fans, so it's not a stretch that he'd know half of Vancouver.

I'm wondering if he'll be in the DVCH movie. He's in the latest Highlander movie, of course, though there are lot of rumors flying about over how much of it he'll be in and what will happen to his character.


It's funny, because as the video started, I immediately recognized Jim Byrnes, and later on I was *almost* positive one of the guys shown in the video was Ian Tracey, but it really was only fleeting glimpses of this fellow. Given Ian Tracey's status as an actor, I'm surprised he wasn't featured more if that really was him. Maybe it was just someone who looked like him. I searched on-line but can't find any credits for this particular video.


Actually, there may be something to your sighting--the producer of the video is the same one who produced one of Tracey's recent indie shorts, "Break a Leg, Rosie". Also, apparently, they were made about the same time. Couldn't say more without more details, I'm afraid.


Hey, Jim Byrnes is from my home town. My sister did summer student theatre with him back in the '60s or early '70s. Now that this is showing on WGN, seeing him is another thing to look forward to.

- \"/

~~~Are you, like, a crazy person?
I'm quite sure they will say so.
