Any News???

Has anyone heard about this short film?? Have anyone seen it yet?? Will it be shown on the short films websites or will it be coming in DVD?? I mean its a short film after all so any new about it???


Coming to DVD in November, part of Boys Briefs 3, short film compilation DVD by Picture This!, you can pre-order it on their web-site.


it's been posted on youtube. if you search under "shakespeare's sonnets/vincent kartheiser" you should get it. it's seperated into two parts.




Here are the links on YouTube, I hope that's helps =D

Part 1

Part 2


||-mONi-|| aka spideygirl
Mar 25, 2007 Sunday


do you know who the user is that put this video up? the studio yanked the two videos you're talking about off of youtube, but maybe she could put it up for a couple days or email it to me. i don't have netflix or blockbuster online, and i don't have a checking account, so amazon is out. any suggestions?
