Who's Brooke

On Wikipedia,a girl named Brooke got killed while going down the mountains with that thing that is like a elevator ona a wire that the main girl was in,yeah well a girl named Brooke died on that scene and I have the DVD and I don't remember or do I have a different version?My couysin said that someone named Brooke did die,but I don't remember so someone help!!!!!!!!



Thank you,Finally someone cleared it up.Well,My cousin has te DVD I went to his house and the movie is 1 minute longer than the one I have and there was a scene that was missing.I'm serious this is the scene.I'm gonna tell him to post it on YouTube so people can figure it out

She is pulled up and sees a shadow,she puts her face up against the and the fisherman breaks the window and pulls her out of the ride and then something with Amber comes on.

I think he just added a random scene but I'll figure it out


Anybody can easily edit Wikipedia.

Hence, Wikipedia is full of *beep*

