Caught it on Syfy last night - dreadful

IKWYDLS and ISKWYDLS were hardly masterpieces, but they were infinetely better than this film.

The biggest flaw is the killer. He doesn't belong in this story, and having him dead/ghost/zombie - seriously?!

The title doesn't fit the film either.

Anyway, Torrey DeVitto is fit.


My thoughts exactly. It had a couple of good moments, but other than that it was TERRIBLE


I had no idea this movie existed until I just read an article about them rebooting the franchise. Perhaps I intentionally didn't see this D level attempt at making IKWYDLS into a trilogy because it sounds like I'm blessed to have missed this one.


One of the worst twists in film history


The original script involved Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr and Brandy Norwood reprising their roles , but this never happened sadly


I still dont think those 3 would have saved this movie!


OMG the twist killed me.
anything other than what was shown.. would've been sorta OK
