Keisha Castle-Hughes is pregnant!

I just read that 16 year old Keisha is pregnant! Wow!!


The article said that she is 16 and the BF is 19 and they have been dating for three years!!


I guess this movie will have to reacast the lead?


Likely so.



shes ment to b 13
wat if u she statrs to look preggo
a prego 13 year old would b that convincing! or rite! lolol



Three to four months is probably a more accurate guess. Regardless, plenty of actresses have concealed their pregnancies during the filming of a movie or TV show in the past - it's fairly easy.


Omg thats i bit young isn't it? but then agian i know ppl hu have had a baby way younger but still i didn't expect it!!!

Oh well good luck 2 her with the baby.
I hope there recasting her part even tho it would b 2 late cause i would so go 4 it!

