Well well well...

Auditions are over!! Scary...now all we can do is wait. Oh the joys of waiting, i think im going insane, i just wish to know now. I hope that i did well, and i hope that everyone else did well. ANd im sure the question on EVERYONE'S mind is..."when will Esther Blueburger be revealed?" I hope it is soon, because im eager to find out...and im eager to see if i shall get a call-back. Oh well. i shall be going. Let me know how you all went!! :) :)
<3 Shel

-There are no small parts...only small actors-


Actually auditions aren't over yet because i'm auditioning today. :)


I know, that's auditions for schools though...like i mean the public and represenatative auditions. Now they're going round to schools so yeah. They came to your school right? Hope you went well :) what school do you go to?
<3 Shel

-There are no small parts...only small actors-


I know that they have selected the Private School to film one of the final reuniting scenes in... and girls from that school will be in the background
