people who auditioned

first, i have to say i think its so cool that you guys got the chance to put yourselves out there! i'm american, though... do you guys think I can still audition? Because if the character is supposed to have an accent, well basically I suck at accents and it probably would sound very very fake :(
anyways, how did the audition go?? i really want to hear about it!!!!!!!!!


yes well i actually auditioned for the role and had a great time! Even though i didnt get a callback my friend did and shes aloso talked to the script writer! Im sure it will be a great movie!


omg thats so cool. i have to see it now


Do you guys know if they have finnished the auditions, because i went for an audition for it months ago and i im wondering who got the part. I saw on a list hundreds of names for the one audition


I think there were other boards about who got cast for Esther, but as for the rest of the characters, I have no idea.. sorry.
Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.


i auditioned 4 the role 2 but i think i was 2 short 4 them, cos i've been told i look almost exactly like that danielle girl. im gonna go c the movie when it comes out.

Such is Life


do u live in aus and just are american? cuz im canadian and i live in aus and i go to an agency and everything
besides sometimes they need ppl with american accents
