Who is Alan Partridge???

Everybody seems to know who he is but I never heard about this character !!!


Have just watch the movie. I laugh a couple of time. The pace was good. Most of the movie is happening at the same place but I thought it had rythm. The humour is very british. I enjoyed it. I'm sure I missed a couple of joke because at some point I was falling asleep but not because of the movie. Dear God, let them be firm !!! lolllll


Glad you enjoyed it!!
Here's Alan's main stuff ...

Knowing Me, Knowing You (Alan's talk show) from 1994

I'm Alan Partridge (Alan's life AFTER the talk show) from 1997


And this film takes place in the middle of his Mid Morning Matters run https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1923623/ , which introduced us to his then-current workplace and Sidekick Simon. All of his prior material may add layers to the character, and are all fantastic and highly recommended, but all you need to know about him to "get" the movie is he's a twat failed TV host barely remaining relevant at a small market radio station, which is made readily apparent.
