Who likes him and why?

I want to know who thinks he is funny and why he is funny because i just don't get him.


well,my best geuss why people like him is because how he sorta took over since the Dave chapelle show kinda stopped after the 'lost season'...that or his catch phrase. Which ever.


becuase he has the balls to say what he wants and doesn't go by the same standards as other comedians that always take it to the limit and hault there, Carlos goes past the limit, and he doesn't care, when i first saw him on comedy central presents I knew he was a great comedian, if u haveb't seen his routine on comedy central presents, find it on tv or on the internet and watch it, that is why ive liked him since i first saw him.


I do. Oh, wait, like him? Nevermind

My ignore list! Consisting of: Nymphidius. What a "noob"!!1


and that proved what? That ur an idiot? BTW Still waitin for the video uve been runnin ur mouth about


carlos mencia has balls? it's not hard to constantly make mexican and black jokes. you want someone with balls? look up the amazing racist on youtube. i'm not justifying what he does, but it takes some guts to do that stuff.


u mean Ari Shaffir, yea thats all he known for, ive never seen him on tv doing a standup routine or anything, he's mediocre but the amazing racist stuff is funny



oh you think he's mediocre? Cause you know Carlos Mencia steals his jokes... along with a number of other comedians.




Idiot? Noooooooo; idiots use UR instead of you're. Real idiots as in you/people like you.

Am I the only one that noticed how much I haven't talked about that video lately? It could just be me, but I practically swear I haven't advertised it since it became lost.

Incidentally, whatever place it's lost at is probably the same place Ned's balls are. Noone will ever find either of them.

My ignore list! Consisting of: Nymphidius. What a "noob"!!1


yes his 20 min special was very good. but since then he has done hours and hours of the same jokes reconfigured with all the meaningful comments taken out.


Yep, very true. Carlos is a great comedian.


I know this is old, but asianherro, you ever heard of George Carlin?

What the hell is a gigawatt?


I like him cuz he's smart.

Between all the curses and cussing and insults, he tries to say smart things. Only the dumb Americans are caught on the insults and banter. Try "Take a Joke America".


I like him because his success shows that I was right when I thought I could be a comedian in second grade. It's good to know you're right.

My ignore list! Consisting of: Nymphidius. What a "noob"!!1


As a smart person myself, I can assure you that he's not one of us.


You're calling people dumn who DON'T like him? hahahahah the ultimate irony. I guess only smart people like yourself are only amused with people making the same joke over and over, and doing impressions of retards.


As a smart person myself, I can assure you that he's not one of us.

If you have to call yourself smart, you probably aren't. It would be like someone saying "I'm not gay" when nobody asked.


He does all those retard bits so he can better connect with his audience.

derpy derp derp


Kind of like, if you have to call yourself edgy and funny, you probably aren't?


He swears! hilarious

He uses racial slurs (he can do it because he's Latin). even more hilarious

He has an absolutely brilliant catch phrase, that he stole from a kindergartner. Carlos is a comedy god!

He uses midgets. Boy, now we're talking.

That is why people like him. I mean, he's Carlos Mencia. He's very funny. Did I mention he swears?


Swearing, using racial slurs, and using midgets doesn't make you or something funny. In fact in many cases it makes you look like more of an idiot. I don't think Mencia is the least bit funny. His shows episode's are all the same; "beaner" this or "wetback" that. In my opinion it's just not that funny. And for the people that think and that try to compare Mind of mencia to the chappelle's show, you guys are idiots. Mencia will never be as good as Chappelle


I think the reason he has become so popular is because he realizes that this country is being taken over by a bunch of bleeding-heart liberals who want all of America to become just as politically correct as they are. Lighten up they are called jokes for a reason! I can say from having seen both that Mind of Mencia is just funnier and wittier...Dave Chapelle is not that funny!


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But wow I strongly disagree with your statement. I just don't see how you think that Mind of Mencia is wittier or funnier than Chappelle's show. Mencia only really has one angle to strike at, and that is race. It seemed to me that when ever Mencia was even remotely funny was when he made everything about race.I know that some people think that Chappelle is the exact same as Mencia because their funniest skits are about race. I don't think this is true. A lot of my favorite chappelle's show skits aren't race related. But this is only my opinion


Yeah, we're all liberals who are offended by Ned's edginess. Yeah.


Ned isn't funny. America is just retarded.


I notice how alot of idiots are saying things along the lines of "he isnt funny" or "he sucks" without giving any reasons. Maybe these are exactly the type of people who jump on the hate bandwagon without ever really forming their own opinions. Either way, they should give some justification for their hate, or just shut the *beep* up.

I like him and I'l tell you why, since you asked.

To put it very simply, he tells it like it is. Where many stand up comedians tread carefully and select material which doesnt offend anybody, Mencia literally doesn't give a *beep* about offending anybody, which is what I love about the guy. His attitude is "I don't give a *beep* if you're offended, this is what i think, this is my opinion" and I respect him for being so open about a range of different topics which other stand up comedians would NEVER think of using for fear of causing offense.

No doubt some retard will now tell me my opinion is wrong. LOLZ the irony.


You obviously have very little experience with comedy.
Go to a comedy club.
Comedians use potentially offensive material. ALL. THE. TIME.
While there may be some comedians that try to play to the family crowd, most comedians are grown adults and do comedy for other adults. They do not censor themselves and are more concerned with being FUNNY than offending people.
You think "black people do this; Mexican people do this" type of comedy is offensive, edgy, or even original? Every lame hack comedian does this style of comedy, and it stopped being funny in 1978. Chappelle is one of the few modern comedians to do race-related comedy that is actually funny.
Consider this:
Mind of Mencia is on Comedy Central during prime time - there are many things that he is not allowed to say, both because of FCC regulations and Comedy Central's standards and practices. How can someone who is restricted by television be as edgy as you claim?? Answer: they can not.
And nobody is offended by his comedy, except that it isn't funny.
You fail, sir, as all Mencia fans fail.
Mencia sucks and is unfunny.


stop posting hate. leave the comments to yourself


Fine, you can like him becaus he doesn't give a *beep* about offending anybody. but here's the thing, he shouldn't have to care, because he's NOT OFFENDING ANYBODY. He automatically assumes he so god damned offensive, when the only people who are uncomfortable with him are the people who haven't been paying attention to anything comedic since the 80s. The only people he's offending are Chappelle fans who are disgusted that this pile of crap replaced him.

Terry Jones is not Kosher


But it's not his opinion. He never makes the jokes personal. When he makes a racist joke (or as he calls them "a joke"), it's about the race, not about him being a part of that race, or even from his point of view. It's usually just a vague generalization.

And, as the other poster said, you have obviously never been to a real comedy show before. I used to work at the Improv, and let me tell you, there are far more risque comedians than you think and most are far better than Ned.

By the way, funny is subjective. No one has to give a reason why something isn't funny. It just isn't. I don't like the taste of broccoli. Why? Because my brain interprets the signals sent from my taste buds as unpleasant. Other than that, there's no real reason why I don't like it. Ned is broccoli.

Actually, he's not broccoli, and here's why: I dislike him because he does a dis-service to comedy and to society. It's one thing to be politically incorrect (such as Carlin). It's an entire different thing to do it for the sake of doing it, instead of actually having a message behind it. What exactly is Ned's all encompassing, enlightening message about life? That a good pseudonym for Mexican is "wet-back"? There is no real social commentary with him. It's more of a reiteration of stereotypes. That's not politically correct or incorrect: it's ignorant. Is that reason enough for you?

And yes, we will tell you you're opinion is wrong, because you were presumptuous enough to tell us that ours was wrong first, wanker.


How exactly do you gauge intelligence? IQ? Level of education received? "Common sense" (it's in quotes because it's a made up term used to describe intelligence that you don't understand; knowing that a green light means go is not common sense, it's learned knowledge)? Or is it the ability to reason with logic?

What exactly is "smart" to you?

Also, I'm well aware that he posted almost 2 years ago, but I pose the question to anyone else who thinks that this shill is smart.



To me it was his delivery of the jokes. I find his biggest detractor Joe Rogan to be as funny as a case of full blown aids.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor
