Catagory 6 then Catagory 7?

Is it that C7 picks up from were C6 left off cause ive only just whatching C7 and it looks like started in the middle of the action


Yes, it's a sequel to Category least that's what I've been told....and they do imply it too, so yeah.

Shut up or I'll eat you ~ Me


Lets see here:

Categiry 6: Day of Destruction

Caregory 7: The End of the World

Category 8: Destrucion of Settle

Do you see a little pattern going on!!!????

So if you in't got no money take your broke ass home.





its not a sequel as such ...cat6 was re-edited into the film cat7 so basiclly there the same film with extra bits added,as its a tv movie you might say part 1 and 2 i suppose


No--Category 7 is NOT a re-edit of Category 6. It is a sequel though. Category 7 has a (mostly) different cast but continues the story started in Category 6 (and, yes, there is a LITTLE bit of footage from Category 6 mixed in here and there).
